Kare Bears outgoing president Margaret Speer and incoming president Karen Volk
Shirley Jackson
New board members have been voted in and officers chosen for the Kare Bears 2022-23 season. Outgoing president Margaret Speer introduced the new board members, and following the Appreciation Luncheon, the new board selected their officers: President Karen Volk, Vice President Kay Davis, Members at Large: Donna Moran, Patsy Covington, and Lena Craft. Treasurer Sandy Barber and Secretary Barb Dunbar retain their offices and are not board members.
SunBird Kare Bears have made donations to charities in Chandler and nearby communities and our own HOA. At the Appreciation Luncheon, the members approved the following list:
Hamilton Leos $100
One Small Step $600
My Sister’s Place $600
Neighbors Who Care $800
Hospice of the Valley $500
St. Vincent de Paul $500
SunBird HOA Projects $2,000
SunBird Employee Gift $550
St. Peter’s Mission School $500
House of Refuge $500
SunBird Golf Club $1,000
SunBird Helping SunBird HOA $500
AZLEOS Shop with a Cop $500
American Service Animal Society $500
Total $9,150
Additional funds donated by members at the luncheon: House of Refuge $207, St. Peter’s Mission School $188, AZLEOS Shop with a Cop $157, for a total of $552.
Many hours of service were donated by Kare Bears members. Many hands make the workload lighter. We are here during the summer season for Celebrations of Life and greeting cards and collections for the fairs. Anyone interested in joining our organization will find a tri-folder of information in the SunBird lobby and is encouraged to contact a board member. Our new board has begun drawing up interesting ideas to forward our quest to provide service and earn monies for the many needy organizations and our own HOA. Kare Bears was organized in 1993 and is going strong. Thank you, SunBird community, for your support!