Style Show emcee Jill Ponce (photo by Shirley Jackson)
Shirley Jackson
Shaun Claseman, executive director from American Service Animal Society, along with his dog Lanister, educated the Kare Bears members on bringing one special dog to one special veteran. Their vision is creating a world where disabled veterans are able to lead a happier, healthier life through the use of a service animal. Lanister (a standard poodle) showed some of his talents by retrieving dropped keys and consoling his master. Each veteran undergoes extensive individualized training with their service dog. Kare Bears members brought towels and blankets for the organization. Contributions to this organization are 100% deductible. They offer lifetime support and service dog training for approximately 130 Arizona vets each year at no cost to the veteran. A question and answer session followed.
The Second Hand Rose Style Show was a sellout, with over 230 attending. More than 20 volunteers from the SunBird community participated as models. Emcee Jill Ponce had spoken to each model prior to the event, gaining information on their SunBird clubs and activities, their outfit (purchased from a local thrift store), and the cost of said purchase. The models looked classy, and the audience loved it. The audience, with approximately eight to ten people at a round table, brought their own lunch. Each provided a dish to pass. Kare Bears provided beverages. There was also a money raffle with three drawings, so three individuals left happy with their winnings. I believe everyone had a good time listening to Jill’s remarks as she described the models’ walk. Emily Hughes began this style show a few years ago, and the Kare Bears honored Emily at the luncheon with flowers and applause. Thanks go out to every Kare Bears member who volunteered time to this event. It takes a lot of helpful hands! And thanks to those models who took time to purchase their outfit from a local thrift store. You all were stunning!
The last Kare Bear Fair scheduled for Saturday, March 4, from 8 a.m. to noon, will bring about 40 vendors. Coffee and donuts will be ready and waiting. Come and wander through the many products brought to you by our small business owners. This is one of our best fundraisers, and our 2022-23 season has been great. We wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t fun and enjoyable and social. So, come on out and join us for the final fair of this season! And if you’d like to join Kare Bears, there are friendly Kare Bears members at the front door providing membership forms and information. At present, we have over 90 active members.
Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 15, at 1 p.m. in the ballroom. The meeting will include the election of officers for 2023-24! The Kare Bear Appreciation Luncheon is scheduled in the ballroom on Wednesday, March 29, at 11:30 a.m. We will have the luncheon catered from World of Sourdough, and members are reminded to make a reservation for this luncheon. At the luncheon, we honor each other (each Kare Bear) for however many minutes and hours they have provided faithfully to our organization this season in attendance and contributions, in our officers and committees, in support, and guidance. Their hours and minutes are important, however small or large, and are acknowledged to show every Kare Bear is an asset.
Next month, we will relate in our news article who are recipients of the funds we have generated this season. Thank you, again, SunBird community, for your continued support.