Tammy Bachofner
All right, SunBird ladies – not too much golfing going on this past month as you can tell it looks a bit empty on the course, so this article is really, really brief! However, we do still have a few die-hard golfers out there. Thank you to those who are still coming out to have a bit of fun and hit that little ball around.
Reported to have been seen on the golf course by our master score keeper, Dave (and “By the way, thank you, Dave, for all you do.”) include: Mary Anne Gosney, Gail Holland, Marilyn Klooster, Dee Lee, Beth Miller, Becky Sargeant, Sandra Stibitz, Pat Arnold, Trish Carrel and Barb Wallace; way to hang in there girls!
It won’t be long until our regular season starts up again, so dust off your clubs, take a practice swing or two, get your mental game in shape and plan on joining us in November when our season starts. We are planning on having another great year! In order to be sure we all have fun, we need you and your friends! So if you know of someone who would like to join, let’s get them signed up. Forms will be at the Pro Shop soon and, of course, we can mail or email you one if needed; just let me know.
As an early reminder, the team for our first Ladies Lunch in November will be: Margaret McCathern, Karen Gilmore and Cindy Vig.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!