Healing with essential oils

Paullene Caraher

The next oil sharing will be on January 10, the second Wednesday, from 1:00-2:00 p.m.

We will be making two blends; one for appetite suppression and another for replenishing your energy. During the holidays, most of us enjoy the sumptuous foods that we don’t eat on a regular basis. Rich foods! Sweet foods! And our taste buds and internal urges crave MORE, even though the celebrations are over. So, this oil can help us along.

Some may gain weight, and others may just go into a blah or winter blues mode and just want to curl up and read a book. So, we have an energizing oil blend. You can have extra energy to take down the decorations, get into your routine of exercise, playing golf, dancing, doing yoga, walking, stretching and toning your body.

You can make one or both, or just come and listen. It is free! If you want to make a roll-on vial, please RSVP and bring your $15 for each vial. Be sure you tell us if you are making one or two, so there will be enough products.

The December meeting was fun with 19 making the blends and sharing their experiences with the oils. Lois Gaylord won the door prize of a Christmas ornament with the oil “Spirit of Christmas.” At every meeting, there is a door prize.

Shelley will bring the tested recipes, oils and vials. We use Young Living Oils. The Young Living Company calls their process “Seed to Seal,” because all aspects of growing the plants and distilling the oils are under the auspices of Young Living. The company owns their own fields and processing plants and partners with other countries to find the best soils, growing conditions, plants and herbs for the oils. So, in our opinion, these oils can be trusted.

The sharing is in the SunBird Golf Resort located at 6250 SunBird Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85249, on the third floor in the Navajo Room. When you enter the clubhouse, you are on the second floor. Call Paullene at 602-292-7858 or Shelley Zavarella at 312-521-0451 (you can text on these phones) or email [email protected] or [email protected].

Remember to RSVP.