Goodbye 2021,  Hello 2022!

Laurie Moore Kelech, Golf Shop Manager

What does it mean to be a “good golfer”? In one important sense, it has nothing to do with technical ability, with scores you shoot. Good golfers take care of the course. Good golfers appreciate all that the sport gives them and pay it forward with philanthropy and kindness. Good golfers savor their time in and around the game. Golfers strive to improve, and we should all strive to be better in this non-scorecard way, too. It isn’t easy. But for starters, kindness begets kindness—so if you are kind to newcomers, kind to the course and the staff, and kind to yourself, golf will (generally) be kind to you. With that being said, let’s all appreciate what we have instead of what we don’t have. Let’s make 2022 the best year ever!