Garden Club at the Gourd Festival
MJ Johnson
Did you know:
You don’t have to get your hands dirty to be in the Garden Club?
While there are several ladies who do grab their garden tools, put on garden gloves, and weed several of our common areas, it is not a requirement! (But we can always use more help!)
Did you know:
One of our members, Gudie Huffman, is a Master Gardener and has selflessly shared her knowledge and skills, along with countless volunteer hours of time and labor, that has aided in the beautification of SunBird?
Gudie is stepping back from her commitments, and we are in search of someone to help in this capacity.
Did you know:
The SunBird Garden Club has hosted several informative speakers at our monthly meetings, which are held on the second Friday of the month, October through April, at 9 a.m. in the ballroom? (Note: Our March meeting will be a week early due to the Home Tour.)
Did you know:
The SunBird Garden Club is open to both men and women who are present or past residents of SunBird, and the annual dues are only $10?
Did you know:
The SunBird Garden Club has fun, too?
We enjoyed a Valentine’s tea at our February meeting and also enjoyed a morning out at the 20th Annual Gourd Festival in Casa Grande!