From the Pro Shop

It’s here – we have finally ended our relationship with GolfNow.

The online tee sheet booking system is being configured and once they have all the members email addresses they will set up everything to enable the online reservations. I plan on this being completed and ready for use by the time you are reading this article. There is also a new look for the webpage and don’t forget we are on Facebook.

The Pro Shop will be getting in new items for the new season so what this means is we need to have a sale to make room for the new products! One of the new items coming in will be Skecher’s golf shoes. There are some new styles in clothing coming out from Antigua and Page & Tuttle. There will be a special Closeout Section and the prices will be very reasonable.

I am open to any new ideas for products in the Pro Shop. If there is something out there that you think would be good to bring in please let me know.

The golf course will be closed on September 21 for overseeding. The Pro Shop will be open Monday through Friday during overseed from 7:00 a.m.-noon.

Coming up in November we will be hosting the Lions Club Tournament and the CRAB Tournament.

Hope everyone had a great summer and we look forward to a great new golf season.

Dave and the rest of the Pro Shop  staff