Meditation quiets the mind, body and soul. Research has shown that a daily meditation practice repairs the brain. Most diseases and brain problems are caused by stress. When one is stressed the sleep pattern is interrupted. If the body does not get adequate rest and relaxation things begin to go awry. The brain, heart, lungs and kidneys and the whole nervous system slowly become less functional.
Meditation is easy. You don’t try to turn off thoughts and pictures in the brain; you don’t try to think of nothing; pretty impossible, I think. But you concentrate on your breathing. Then your mind and body settle down and you become relaxed.
If the body is too rattled and uneasy it is hard to settle the mind; therefore, gentle exercises are done at the beginning to help the body get relaxed. You will feel your muscles relaxing after this movement. We lie on the floor with our legs on the chair. This position relaxes the back and the whole body. If you cannot get on the floor you can stay in the chair. Then everyone sits in chairs.
Wear comfortable clothing and bring water.
Dates: April 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, every Wednesday in April
Times: 9:00-10:00 a.m.
Where: Navajo Room, 3rd floor at SunBird Golf Resort
You do not have to register. Just come. I will set up 10 chairs. Call if you have questions. Paullene Caraher will lead the meditation. You can reach Paullene at 602-292-7858; e-mail [email protected].
The SunBird Golf Resort is at 6250 S. SunBird. Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85249, located off Riggs Road between Cooper and McQueen; turn in on Championship Dr.