Computer Booters Club President Janet Quade (left) with February’s guest speaker Bill Evans and club Secretary Ed Nowe
Kc Coller, Publicity Director
Now is the time for anyone interested in purchasing a computer, tablet or laptop to attend our general meetings. The large attendance at February’s meeting demonstrated our hunger to learn more concerning this topic. Our next couple of meetings will be dealing with this plus safety and dangers in computing.
Most of our guest speakers deal with both PCs and Apple computers in their professional life, so their topics can be applicable to both. With that stated, our club welcomes Apple computers. There is room for both, and we hope you will attend and see if you fit!
Bill Evans of PcHelpForce.org. brought us valuable information regarding the above subject matter.
Bill was one of our first speakers to help trash uncertainties about this undertaking. We do know that not knowing what to do with a sick computer (fix or replace) that we’ve become dependent upon brings anxieties. He helped eliminate some of these self doubts.
Bill stayed longer, answering questions and sharing his knowledge and information. We appreciate the time he shared with us. It is people like Bill Evans who help us grow in an area that is changing faster than we seem to be able to learn.
March Workshops at press time: (Go to www.computerbooters.org for any workshop changes or additions.)
Now held in the Cottonwood Ceramic Room (A-8) 6:30 p.m.
Excel March 13, 20 and 27, Leo Klebanow
Skype March 8, Howard Winkle
Avoiding Digital Fraud and Scams March 22, Microsoft Store, Chandler Mall, 8:30 a.m.
The March 7 meeting will have Richard, owner of AZ Laptop Pros, 393 W. Warner, who will be addressing some of these and more computer concerns. Bring questions to see if we can “Stump the Tech.”
We hope to see you. Guests are always welcome, and you don’t need to be a resident of the Sun Lakes Community. Come check us out at the Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes. Meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. but to meet with others, come and share coffee/cookies at 6:00 p.m. in the Navajo Room. Remember, most workshops are free to members and $10 for others. To sign up, contact Workshop Director Bill Phillips at 480-895-8178 or [email protected].
Single membership is $36 a year and $48 per two at the same address. Welcome to the six new members and guest that were at this February meeting.
More information can be found by visiting the club’s website at www.computerbooters.org.