Jamie Morgan
Spring bustles with activity at Community Church of SunBird (CCSB), and we would like you to join us. On Sunday, March 23, we invite the SunBird community to join us for a Root Beer Float Social on the patio from 1 to 3 p.m. Enjoy an old-fashioned root beer float and meet new people. All donations received that day are for our Mission Outreach Program.
We participate in several outreach areas. Our month-long collection of gently used clothing for the Latin American Church of the Nazarene in downtown Chandler comes to an end on the last day of February each year.
Another local outreach is for the Hamilton High School students who are homeless and/or economically challenged and face various hardships. Each week we collect things like water, snacks, school supplies, and hygiene products to provide basic needs for these students and their families. This program encourages students to stay in school, focus on their studies, and graduate by alleviating some of their stress.
Our participation in Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Ministry also begins in February. This year we collect different items every month in anticipation of packing 200 to 225 boxes for 2025. February and March are the “wow” gifts—that bigger, special gift in each box to bring them joy. We encourage our members, and anyone else in the community who would like to participate, to begin now to gather and drop off shoebox items. If you are unable to shop for items, you may give a donation and our team will shop for you. For more information, please call Linda Ward at 530-598-2220.
In the Spirit of Hope and Faith, we would love to have you join us on our Mission Outreach adventures to touch the lives of others locally and even around the world.
All of us at CCSB invite you to join us this year for fellowship, Bible teaching, worship, and uplifting, powerful messages on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. in the ballroom. See you there!