The leaves are changing color, It’s beginning to cool down, The kids are back in school, And they all have a great big frown! It’s also time for football, And to root for your favorite team, And when they score a touchdown, Boy, how you will scream! Thanksgiving will be here soon, A time to…
Category: November 2016
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
SunBird American/German club news
Frank Nechvatal The meeting was called to order by Co-President Larry Schoenborn at 6:00 p.m. in the Horizon Room. Membership collected dues from 23 members. Vice-president Barb Valentine began collecting $15 per person for the Oktoberfest Dinner which was held on Monday, October 17. This dinner was for members and their guests. Delores arranged for…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Canadians return
Like the Canada geese, the Canadian SunBird residents are flocking to their winter homes. The highways and airways have been packed with northerners eager to have fun in the Valley of the Sun. Like the geese, we fly in a “V” from British Columbia to Ontario with the majority of us coming from the Prairie…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Al-Anon meeting notice
The new 12-step Al-Anon group meets Monday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the Ceramics Room of the SunBird Clubhouse. If you are concerned about the drinking problems of someone you care about, come and join in on our discussions and receive some help for your peace of mind.
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Stretch and tone class
Sherry Fann Join us for a free stretch and tone class low impact aerobics from 7:00-7:45 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the SunBird Ballroom. Bring a mat. If you have any questions call Sherry Fann at 480-883-1167.
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
SunBird Yarn Club
The SunBird Yarn club meets each Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the Hopi Room. If you knit, crochet, or do other handwork please join us to learn, share and chat with other yarn lovers.
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Energy yoga classes for November 2016
Morning: 7:45-8:45 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Afternoon: 4:00-5:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday SunBird Golf Resort Navajo Room on the third floor There is no cost; donations are accepted If you have questions call Paullene Caraher on cell phone at 602-292-7858 or email [email protected]. Peggy Mottel is the contact person when I am gone;…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Korean War/Korea Service veterans news

Stacy Sweet The R Countryman Chapter of the Korean War/Korea Service Veterans will meet on Tuesday, November 22 in the Friendship Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 10:00 a.m. KWVA is proud to welcome USAF Lt. Col. (retired) Thomas (Tom) R. Waldron. Mr. Waldron graduated from Clemson University in Civil Engineering and was…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
An exciting year planned for Kare Bears
Rosie VanderVeen At the November 16 Kare Bear meeting Robin Atwood from the Chandler Police Department will be discussing the lock boxes to be attached to the entry door. Your house key would be inside the box for emergency entry by police. As you might recall in the good old days they would have to…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Short Line Model Railroad Club welcomes returning residents and visitors

Harry Huckemeyer Hopefully, you all got to enjoy the sudden change in weather here in the Sun Lakes area. We welcome back all that have been away for a while, and especially those who may be coming into the area to meet up with friends and family. With the holiday season rapidly approaching, make sure…