Category: November 2014

SunBird Personalities – November 2014

Sharon and Ozzie Zubchevich

Bob Neuman To capture lightning in a bottle would be a simpler task than to document the lives of Sharon and Ozzie Zubchevich, an intriguing couple, in the limited space allotted. Sharon’s background is Lithuanian and her ancestors were royalty. Once while attending mass, Russians on horseback rode up the center aisle, decapitated the priest…

Social Events – November 2014

Zumba Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Navajo Room Fridays from 9:00–10:00 a.m. in the Ballroom Zumba instructor, Mary (Cat) Sullivan, will offer classes Wednesdays in the Navajo room and Fridays in the Ballroom. There is a charge of $3 per class. Everyone is welcome. Free Engagement Dance (Stan Wolff and Eileen Strohman) Saturday,…

SunBird Kare Bear Faire November 1

The SunBird Kare Bears Faire will be held in the SunBird Golf Resort Ballroom, 6250 S. SunBird Blvd, Chandler, AZ 85249 (between Cooper and McQueen on Riggs) on Saturday, November 1 from 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Over 35 vendors will attend with a variety of wares; there will be a white elephant table by Kare Bears;…

2 Your Health – November 2014

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the SunBird News dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing…

Going Green Committee

Nancy Eckstein SunBird’s Community Day is November 5 and we will have the Phoenix Fiber truck at the event (it will be parked near the water fountain). Phoenix Fiber is the company we work with who collects and recycles unusable clothes, linens and pairs of shoes to produce insulation. Please bring your items to the…

Sunday breakfast buffet

Sunday breakfast buffet is now available each Sunday for $8.50. For lighter diners we will now be offering a small list for order off the menu. The Horizon Room is open for Sunday breakfast from 8:00 a.m.-noon. We look forward to seeing you.