Anne DeRose The Fifth Anniversary of the Patriotic Rosary was celebrated on July 7 at St. Steven’s Church in Sun Lakes, Arizona, with a special luncheon following at Cottonwood Country Club to recognize the multiple participants and the effect the rosary has had for peace and our Nation. “The Patriotic Rosary is prayed everywhere from…
Category: Community News
Community News, September 2017
SunBird Personalities

Bob Neuman “I was born in Union Highland Cemetery near Florence, Colorado, in a small house where my parents lived. I had four brothers. My father was a sexton. And, yes, the house was on cemetery grounds,” so spoken by GarWen Shirley Joan Jackson. As the old-time comedians would say, “Folks, you ain’t heard nothing…
Community News, September 2017
Jim Fetterman captures sunsets at SunBird
Community News, September 2017
News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care, Inc.

What do you need? Eric Ehst, Executive Director At Neighbors Who Care, we help homebound, frail and disabled seniors to remain living in their own homes. Our caring volunteers provide some basic services, such as transportation, grocery shopping, meal delivery, minor home repairs, caregiver respite, welfare checks, friendly visiting and more. What we do helps…
Community News, September 2017
SunBird Singers announces new directors and rehearsal schedule
As the SunBird Singers start preparations for their annual Christmas concert, they would like to again thank Owen and Joyce Bae for their 13 years of service as directors of the chorus. Their experience and talents, Owen as a high school music director and Joyce as a voice and piano teacher, among their other accomplishments,…
Community News, September 2017
Footnotes from the Library
Nancy Smith Your SunBird Library has a good variety of donated magazines. The magazine rack (facing the lobby) will display a variety of magazines with dates as current as possible. We only have what you donate. Please only take a few. The newspapers (SanTan Sun News, etc.) are delivered by a different, independent company. We…
Community News, September 2017
New Frontiers fall open house set for September 15
Dan Scarpone, Publicity New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning (NFLL), a peer-led, self-directed organization of over 400 members operating under the sponsorship of Mesa Community College (MCC), may be just what you are looking for. Educational and social opportunities happen by joining interactive groups, such as “America, the Gilded Age,” “Walking the Cather Trail,” “Continuing Piano…
Community News, September 2017
September at Ed Robson Library
Plan to join us in September for the following great programs! Tuesday, September 5, at 10:30 a.m. – HealthRHYTHMS Drumming Circle Drum circles are a positive community experience designed to enhance self-realization, reduce tension, anxiety and stress, result in a positive medical impact and release emotions. No experience necessary, and all instruments provided; age 18…
Community News, September 2017
SunBird Community Church news and happenings
Bob Neuman For by grace are ye saved through faith and not of yourselves: It is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8 “Faith is the belief that God is real and that God is good … It is a choice to believe that the one who made it all hasn’t left it all, and that…
Community News, September 2017
Donations needed
My name is Julie, I am a SunBird resident and I volunteer at a Chandler food bank. If you have any extra food (unopened please) that you can’t use, I would be glad to take it to the food bank. The food bank also accepts baby food, pet food, toiletries, laundry and cleaning products, diapers,…