Marilyn Klooster Do you remember the September Song refrain about the days “dwindling down?” Perhaps Autumn Leaves turning red and gold is one of your favorites. The phrase “Dog Days of August” seems to be with us into this month. The blue skies with 100 plus degree temperatures continue and I seek the shade, stay cool in…
Category: September 2014
Clubs & Classes, September 2014
Free meditation class offered
Meditation quiets the mind, body and soul. When one sits quietly and settles down the mind, the body follows. If the body is too rattled and uneasy it is hard to settle the mind. Therefore, gentle exercises are done at the beginning to help the body get relaxed. You will feel your muscles relaxing after…
Association News, September 2014
New Bible class forming
Professor Rod Carruthers Who would have thought that with the death of a rather nondescript soothsayer who promised that believers in Him would be rewarded with life after death, a small band of 12 followers armed with a campfire-like spark of a new religion, could launch 2000 years ago what today is the world’s largest…
Clubs & Classes, September 2014
SL Model RR Club returning to SunBird September 13th
Harry Huckemeyer While the final days of summer start becoming a thing of the past, the Short Line Model Railroad Club returns in full swing on September 13. The club will be meeting in the Pima Room at the SunBird Golf Resort at 1:00 p.m. The Pima Room is located on the second floor of…
Clubs & Classes, September 2014
Line Dancing with Judee resumes in September
Judee Curtis August is a month when we missed dancing together; however, we all needed a break; it really was difficult to keep cool for two to four hours; the clubhouse was closed and the floor was refinished; we have something worthwhile to look forward to in September; and it gives me a chance to…
Association News, September 2014
In Passing…
(1926-2014) Many will remember Marilyn, a former SunBird resident, as an outgoing, fun loving gal involved in many activities. She continued that lifestyle when she moved to Florida to be near her son. She loved and missed SunBird, returning often to visit and stay with friends. Thoughts and prayers go out to her family –…
Clubs & Classes, September 2014
VFW needs your participation

Cheri Almond Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8053 Bingo remains the center for community support to our veterans and their families. Playing in VFW’s weekly game raises funds for the Post’s veteran support programs. The game also enables the sharing of unique local projects that will support veterans’ urgent needs. Kerry Schuster is an energetic…
Clubs & Classes, September 2014
Light touch energetics
SunBird resident Pamela Welsh of Light Touch Energetics will present a Holistic Care class on November 2 and November 9 in the Navajo Room from 1:00-3:30 p.m. Restoring energetic structure to your body in a natural safe way will be the focus of this holistic class. The class will help students with specific issues become…
Clubs & Classes, September 2014
Sun Lakes Chorale now open to SunBird residents
Jan Ott Enthused about singing together again, Chorale members are looking forward to the beautiful music they’ll be preparing for their annual Holiday Concert on December 11. Weekly rehearsals on Fridays from 1:00-4:00 p.m. will be taking place at the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church located at 9248 East Riggs Road. This venue is also…
Clubs & Classes, September 2014
Cottonwood Clay Sculpture Class
Evelyn Shea The Cottonwood Clay Sculpture Class has enjoyed presenting several artists, their artwork and careers. These presentations have been interesting, educational and entertaining. As we have received many requests for more guest speakers, a member of our class, Deborah Silvas, who has just returned from a photographer’s journey through South Africa and Amsterdam, has…