Greetings, SunBird! Wendy Weber, Lifestyle Director I know you are all probably anxiously waiting for the fun to start up again in SunBird. Believe me, so am I! I get asked almost daily when we can start having activities and events again; my hope is soon. Currently, our main focus is trying to keep SunBird…
Category: August 2020
Community News, August 2020
In Passing

Funeral/Mass Services for Robert Wodarczyk “Woody” Ann Wodarczyk and Family Dear Family and Friends, First of all, we’d like to thank so many people for your tremendous outpouring of sympathy and love, as well as the many beautiful flowers, touching sympathy, and mass cards our family has received during this very difficult time. Your prayers…
Clubs & Classes, August 2020
An Essential Oil First Aid Kit
JoAnne Gaudioso Essential oils can help support us physically, emotionally, and spiritually to keep us balanced in our busy, stress-filled world. We want to have these oils at our fingertips wherever we go. Naturally, at home, our oils are always conveniently located so that we can find them for our various uses throughout the day.…
Clubs & Classes, August 2020
Computer Booters Club News
Helen Seaton, PR Director The Computer Booters Club is holding virtual meetings this summer since we are unable to meet in person at this time. For our August meeting, Bruce Vantine will present a program on “The Internet, Behind the Scenes.” How does a simple mouse click get me where I want to go on…
Association News, August 2020
It’s Time to Trim Your Palm Trees

ACC Committee Now that the palm flowers have bloomed, it is time to have your palm trees trimmed. We are now in monsoon season, with the high winds and heavy rains; these palm trees leave unsightly debris throughout the community and can cause damage to your home or your neighbors’. If you are not in…
Association News, August 2020
Notes from the HOA Board of Directors Business Meeting

Nancy Eckstein, HOA Board President The Board of Directors has not met since early June and is on summer recess. At the June Business Meeting, the Board appointed Jim Anderson to fill the vacant Director seat until the next Board election. Jim was actively serving as a member of the SunBird Finance Committee for several…
Community News, August 2020
Thank You, Friends
Community News, August 2020
Word of the Month: Contumacious
David Zapatka Sister and reader Judy Haberstroh wrote after reading the June column, “This one is interesting. Initially, I was leaning toward using ‘yet,’ but once I saw the specific definition of ‘still,’ I felt that was the correct word. However, when talking, I would more likely place the word ‘still’ after ‘it’s’ rather than…
Community News, August 2020
Message from the President of New Adventures in Learning

Bill Haskell, President, New Adventures Governing Council In June, the New Adventures Governing Council decided to utilize the Zoom application as its online learning platform. Given the decision by Chandler Gilbert Community College to keep the Sun Lakes Center closed until January 2021, the Council’s only recourse to continue providing rewarding classes is to move…
Community News, August 2020
Unity: Be Aware
Kay Davis Greetings from Unity Church of Sun Lakes, a new thought church that follows the teachings of Jesus the Christ as well as other wise Spiritual Masters. We think positively and pray affirmatively because we know that God Love is everywhere present and indwelling in all of us, whether we know it or not. Rev.…