Judee Curtis Dancing in June has given some year-round dancers the opportunity to move up a level. Taking advantage of the time and teaching one new dance a week has eased these dancers into that level vs. jumping with both feet into the next full next hour! This new plan has worked very well. We…
Category: July 2019
Association News, July 2019
Due reminder
The second half HOA dues invoice was mailed the end of May and is due July 1 in the amount of $500. If you have any questions, please contact the SunBird office at 480-802-4901.
Community News, July 2019
Word of the Month: Sarcophagus
David Zapatka Just having toured the Valley of the Kings and Queens in Luxor, Egypt, my mind is filled with hieroglyphic and sarcophagus images. Touring the tombs of Tutankhamun, Seti 1, Seti 2, Ramses 2 and Nefertari, I was astounded by the beauty, artistry, vibrant colors, carvings and intricate work done by these ancient people.…
Association News, July 2019
It’s time to trim your palm trees

ACC Committee Now that the palm flowers have bloomed, it is time to have your palm trees trimmed. We are now in monsoon season, with the high winds and heavy rains; these palm trees leave unsightly debris throughout the community and can cause damage to your home or your neighbors’. If you are not in…
Clubs & Classes, July 2019
Hello bowlers!
Well it’s time to get our fall teams together. We will start on September 30, 2019, and bowl until December 16, 2019 (12 weeks). We will do a winter league starting on January 6, 2020, through March 23, 2020. We start shadow at 9:30 a.m. and bowl at 9:45 a.m. The price of bowling is…
Community News, July 2019
Unity Church on summer hiatus
Clubs & Classes, July 2019
SunBird Lions Club continues their flag program

The SunBird Lions Club began the flag program on Veterans Day of 2010 with the support of 70 people who proudly displayed the flags. SunBird Lions Club now serves 612 people and is hoping to expand even more. SunBird Lions Club Flag Coordinator, Lion Carol Zittel displays the flag that is placed wherever the person’s…
Clubs & Classes, July 2019
Pathfinders is looking for board members
The Arizona Historical Society’s oldest auxiliary organization Pathfinders is looking for a board member with financial experience to help manage its new endowment fund. Meetings are monthly, September through May, on the first Monday. More information and inquiries should be sent to Mary Lee Fitzgerald at [email protected]. Also, you can call Bob Stuart at 520-825-4239.
Clubs & Classes, July 2019
Learning to dance on your bucket list?

A Group Class for Basic Social Dance Lessons will begin the evening of July 9, 2019. The Basic Social Dance system is incredibly simple and allows a new participant to move to any song played by the end of the first class. There’s almost no memorization of steps…just a strong focus on developing the gentleman’s…
Community News, July 2019
Memorial Day celebration

Juanita Harbut A group of SunBirders took advantage of the delicious Horizon Room Memorial Day specials of chili dogs and bacon cheeseburgers. As we walked in, we saw a beautiful table display in honor of our missing soldiers. Once our server took our orders, a prayer was said for our fallen heroes. Service and food…