Dan Russell, Chief of Patrol I would like to say thank you to all the wonderful people who have welcomed me as the new Chief of Patrol in SunBird. One of the many reasons I chose to live in SunBird is because of the safe community that it is. As a member of the Patrol…
Category: June 2021
Community News, June 2021
Celebrate on the Dance Floor
Community News, June 2021
The Great Horned Owl Baby Rescue

Marianna Buescher and Robyn Blosh “You never know where a photoshoot might lead,” were the thoughts that raced through Carol Martin’s mind when she arrived for her daily photo session with the owl nest on hole 7 at the SunBird Golf Resort. Her husband George quickly searched for what to do when a baby owl has fallen…
Association News, June 2021
Palm Trees
Association News, June 2021
Golfing in the Summer Heat
Laurie Kelech, Golf Shop Manager People may view this weather as some of the worst conditions to golf in. But instead of whining about it, learn some tips that will keep you safe while you enjoy playing a round here at SunBird Golf Club. • Early tee time: A simple way to avoid the heat…
Clubs & Classes, June 2021
Chandler SunBird Lions Club June Update

Lion Arlene Block Chandler SunBird Lions Club met at the SunBird Horizon Room for the end of year dinner and brief meeting. All present Lions voted on replacing three AED units and 13 first-aid kits for the SunBird HOA. Membership to the Chandler SunBird Lions Club is very heartwarming and special, with the many donations…
Association News, June 2021
Golf Course Carvings

Duane Dub, Vice President In 2021 we are showcasing the Golf Course carvings by highlighting a carving (or two) each month. Let us start with the history. In 2006 Leo Buries, our golf course manager, was left with dead and downed trees from the monsoon season. Rather than pay for the removal of the stumps,…
Community News, June 2021
The Remodeling Corner
Janet Cook June is a time to celebrate dads. Not much has been written about what a man wants for their bathroom remodel—I looked! It is his space, too, and there are personal wants for his daily experience he may not have mentioned. Another area men tend to make do is outdoor cooking at a…
Community News, June 2021
Save the Date for Red Cross Blood Drive July 8
Dean Athmer The Sun Lakes Posse will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Thursday, July 8, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The address is 9531 E. Riggs Road, Sun Lakes. The event will be in the meeting room, with plenty of space to comply with social distancing requirements. Here are the basic…
Card Games & Sports, June 2021
The SunBird Golf Club Needs Your Help!
Wayne Onyx In April, one of the two pumps used to provide irrigation to the golf course failed. The back-up pump is in poor shape and could also fail at any time. Without an irrigation pumping system, the golf course will not be able to maintain grass or fountains, which directly impacts our entire community…