Category: June 2020

Patrol Report

Chief Catri Leash Law: Please always be sure to keep a close eye/watch on your dogs the moment they leave the confines of their home and while they are also with you in the common areas of the HOA. Observe them carefully to make sure they are leashed and that you are in control of your…

Message from the President of New Adventures in Learning

Bill Haskell, president of New Adventures' Governing Council

Bill Haskell In our 21 years of existence, our traditional goal has been to provide quality courses for our members—courses that are thought provoking, entertaining, challenging, and rewarding. As a result of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, New Adventures has been forced to make several difficult decisions about our classes. The first, in March,…

Music to Our Ears

Kim and Mike Hanson share their musical talent as two of three directors of the SunBird Singers and Ringers. An audience member said, “I enjoyed this concert more than any I’ve ever attended!” Here they entertain on the patio. They also assist with the SunBird Community Church.

Jackie Cox When we social distance and remember days of ease, we remember the wonderful winter at SunBird and a wonderful evening of music! The spring concert! Who was the energetic woman with the full, long, white hair directing the near-perfect SunBird Singers’ performances in March? Who could coordinate and guide the talents of 70…

SunBird Lions Club Update

Arlene Block We were all surprised to see how long the coronavirus has kept us from enjoying the many things we all took for granted. Hopefully, there will be a time soon when we can gradually begin to enjoy the things we all missed. As temperatures rise and you are drinking more sodas, etc., we…

From Our Community Administrator

Bonnie Marcus ACC Permits ACC Permit Application forms can be found at the post office or on the SunBird HOA website at Click on the tab “Documents,” and you can find it under Forms. Please fill it out and attach $5 exact cash or check to the permit and put it in an envelope.…

From the ACC Committee: Palm Trees

ACC Committee With summer here, it is almost time to begin trimming your palm trees. Please do not trim them too early. The palm flowers will begin to come out around the end of May and June. After your palm flowers and the fruit sticks have grown out, this is the best time to trim your…