Frank Nechvatal Our last meeting of the season will be a Potluck Patio Party at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 13. The club will provide roasted and fried chicken. Please bring side dishes, salads, and desserts. Also please bring your own plates and flatware. Remember, our next meeting will be Thursday, Oct. 12, at 6…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
The History of Computers
Helen Seaton, Publicity Director Computer Booters President Jeff Ingersoll will discuss the History of Computers at the April Computer Booters meeting on Wednesday, April 12, in the Cottonwood Computer Learning Center, at 25630 S. Brentwood Drive, in Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. Social time for further discussion and to…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
Keep on Moving
Harry Huckemeyer A word of thanks goes out to all who were able to take in a few of our events at the Railroad Museum in the latter part of last month, and also a short trip to Freedom Village where we also got to spend some time. For the Short Line Model Railroad Club,…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
Convention Held at SunBird
The District 21-S Convention for the Lions Club was held at SunBird Golf Resort on Feb. 18. The District Governor, Lion Chris Gibbs, addressed over 100 Lions from all over Arizona about what has been happening and all the wonderful things each group has done as a Lions Club member. Lions serve those in need…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
Garden Club’s 2023 Home Tour a Great Success!
Seven gracious homeowners opened their homes for our viewing pleasure this year. Ticket holders toured thoughtfully renovated and beautifully decorated homes and enjoyed delicious refreshments, charmingly presented on the patio at Mary and Scott Stohr’s home. Over 300 tickets were sold for the 2023 annual Home Tour. Monies raised from ticket sales are used to…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
German Club News
Frank Nechvatal Our last meeting of the season will be a Potluck Patio Party at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 27. The club will provide roasted and fried chicken. Please bring side dishes, salads, and desserts. Also, please bring your own plates and flatware. Remember, our next meeting will be Thursday, Sept. 28, at 6…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
Korean War Veterans
Rich Volpe, Chapter Commander Our Chapter Commander would like to extend his thanks and appreciation for all the continued support you all provided to our organization over the past year. We continue to look for new adventures as we move on following a year of challenges and change. As time passes on, things are starting…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
Irish Club News
Mary Pilon, Publicity The March meeting of the Irish Club was held on March 2 in the ballroom. President Val brought the meeting to order at 5 p.m. The pledge to the flag followed. There were 88 members present at the meeting. Committee chairpersons for Sunshine, Social, and Entertainment were absent, along with Boston Mary,…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
¿Habla Español?
Would you like to use and keep up your Spanish? Our group is informal, and our purpose is to have fun talking and listening to each other while improving our language skills. We discuss topics suggested by members and, when needed, we help each other with grammar and vocabulary. We encourage intermediate Spanish speakers to…
Clubs & Classes, April 2023
Thank You from the SunBird Lions Club!

Four lovely ladies from SunBird blessed our Chandler Lions Club with their handmade items for our Christmas stockings and Clothes Cabin. As a thank you, we put together at our last meeting yarn bouquets and presented it to these deserving ladies: Diane Reed, Inge Pfalz, Rita Benninger, and Shirley Rammage. Thank you, Ladies!