David Zapatka This 12-common-mistakes column began after playing with some very excited, highly-motivated, new pickleball players at our community courts recently. After playing a couple games, this question was posed to me: “What should we do to improve and become 3.5 players?” We reviewed the first four mistakes the past two months. This month, we…
Category: March 2021
March 2021
Need Help Picking Fruit?
Wendy Weber, Lifestyle Director Arizona is a great place for fruit trees. Mature fruit trees can harvest up to hundreds of fruits and sometimes are not all picked due to the height of the tree. If you have a fruit tree and are unable to pick or reach the fruit, contact the SunBird office at…
Card Games & Sports, March 2021
Men’s Club Publicity/Newsletter for February 2021
Scott Moore As you probably noticed, there was no Men’s Club newsletter in the February SunBird News. No worries—we will make this newsletter the February-March Mulligan edition! Below are the notable issues discussed in the January Executive Committee meeting: 1. Bob Johns had to resign his position as board president. Patrick Leach graciously assumed the…
Association News, March 2021
Is Your Yard Weed-Free?
ACC Committee SunBird homeowners are solely responsible for keeping their property free of all dead/dying weeds. The warmer weather we’ve been having, accompanied by rain, will start bringing out the weeds! It is strongly advised to have your yard sprayed with a pre-emergent, and the best time to have this done is now. Please remember to spray/pull…
Clubs & Classes, March 2021
Desert Navy Update
Richard Volpe With the coming of the March winds, we appear to be seeing some positive activities pertaining to the attempts at getting the virus under control—the problem that has been with us for over a year now. During this period of time, most clubs, including the Desert Navy, have been in a “holding pattern,”…
Community News, March 2021
Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse Supporting COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts

Ken Hinatsu From December 2020 onwards, the Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse has been providing security services at the Maricopa County Department of Health COVID-19 Vaccine PODs (Points of Dispensation). The county vaccine centers located in such locations as Sun City West, Arizona Fairgrounds, and Phoenix have delivered an invaluable public health service to the citizens of…
Association News, March 2021
Patrol Report
Chief Catri Societies use rules to regulate unwanted or harmful behavior and to encourage wanted or beneficial behavior. Rules also tend to make things fairer. We should follow rules to have a disciplined society. If one does not follow the rules and does whatever he or she wishes to, then there would be chaos all…
Community News, March 2021
Seniors Find Flexibility and Strength Through Free Online Ballet Classes
Laura Schairer Ballet Theatre of Phoenix is offering free Zoom “sit or stand” ballet classes to all senior citizens in the community. Held online every Friday from noon to 12:45 p.m., the classes are specially designed for older adults to develop flexibility, balance, and strength through movement. “The Sit or Stand Ballet for Seniors has quickly…
Community News, March 2021
Joyful Downsizing: Addressing Closet Clutter
Kim Kubsch Tackling the master closet is fourth in a series of articles that features techniques for decluttering your home—one room at a time. As owner of Joyful DOWNSIZING and a Sun Lakes resident, I am passionate about helping boomers and seniors declutter to simplify their lives, organize remaining items, and downsize unwanted stuff. Look…
Community News, March 2021
The Remodeling Corner
Janet Cook More people are staying home and travelling less, making it a great time for home remodeling to create an oasis in the backyard! We are the envy of our northern neighbors for our extended beautiful weather, and with strategic design you can open up new possibilities on how you work, play, relax, or…