Bob Neuman “Growing old can be dangerous. The trail is treacherous and pitfalls are many. You know it’s coming. God never kept the process a secret. Your last chapter can be your best. Your final song can be your greatest. As we get older, our vision should improve. Not our vision of earth, but our…
Category: Community News
Community News, March 2017
Food donations needed
My name is Julie. I am a SunBird resident, and I volunteer at a Chandler food bank. If you have any extra food (unopened please) that you can’t use, I would be glad to take it to the food bank. The food bank also accepts baby food, diapers, toiletries, animal food, laundry products and cleaning…
Community News, March 2017
Lifelong Learning offers SunBird residents fresh perspectives and new ideas
Community News, March 2017
Lockboxes for Seniors Program update
Once the application and waiver are completed and signed, the applicant can call the department’s coordinator, Officer Robin Atwood, Senior Lock Box Program Coordinator, at 480-782-4962, to set up an appointment for installation. When the coordinator arrives at your house, he will need to see all the application paperwork for verification. Once the application has…
Community News, March 2017
Free Bar-B-Q. – March 5
As it has for numerous years, SunBird Community Church is offering its free Bar-B-Q for the residents of SunBird on Sunday, March 5, at 5:00 p.m. in the SunBird ballroom. Come join us and be our guests.
Community News, March 2017
Going Green Committee news
Treva Christenson Did you know: About the green container located on the Clubhouse patio? When at the Clubhouse, place your empty water bottles for recycling. About the blue bin located in the main parking lot (east side of the Clubhouse)? All textiles (clothing, towels, sheets) in bin pay for the yearly shredding. All shoes (must…
Community News, March 2017
Coupon for Troops
Ireva Christenson You can donate coupons, even those recently expired, to military families overseas. Visit for details.
Community News, March 2017
SunBird Art Show and Sale set for March 18
Community News, March 2017
Annual Spring Art Show
The Sun Lakes Arts and Crafts Association annual Spring Show and Sale will be held on March 25, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the Oakwood Country Club, 24218 S Oakwood Blvd.(north of Riggs Road). Over 50 vendors will be showcasing their unique handmade crafts and artwork. Come early for the best selection…
Community News, March 2017
News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care, Inc.

Eric Ehst, Executive Director If you watched the Big Game this year, you may have noticed a common theme among the ads. Many of them were less about the product being advertised than they were a showcase for the “values” of the company placing the ad. There were a few where it was actually difficult…