Category: February 2023

SunBird Lions Food Drive

The SunBird Lions Club Food Drive is ongoing and helps support the local food pantry. There is a container in the SunBird HOA copy machine room opposite the library. Please bring all non-perishable foods and items that are not outdated, and help those in need. Paper items and pet foods are also acceptable. Thank you…

¿Habla Español?

Would you like to use and keep up your Spanish? Our group is informal, and our purpose is to have fun talking and listening to each other while improving our language skills. We discuss topics suggested by members and, when needed, we help each other with grammar and vocabulary. We encourage intermediate Spanish speakers to…

Canadian Club BBQ Planned

It is great to be in Arizona with good friends and neighbours. SunBird provides us with never-ending opportunities to participate in every conceivable social activity. Specific to Canadians are the February BBQ and the March Golf Tournament. Our Pork Loin BBQ and social is on Thursday, Feb. 2. This event costs $7 per plate, and…

SunBird Art Club

Sharon Eade With the arrival of 2023 there is the feeling of renewed energy and positivity. COVID-19 seemed to have put the world in a tailspin, but the SunBird community held us all together, and now our new calendars have begun filling up with activities and opportunities that make this such a special place. This…

Unique Opportunity!

If involvement, contribution, and musical excellence describe your modus operandi, then you may be interested in a unique opening in the SunBird Singers group. We are searching for a skilled and advanced piano player, a certain special someone who has experience accompanying a large choir. As the premier local showcase in SunBird, our talented group…

Welcome New Neighbors

Shauna Hewett Hometown/State: Mason City, Iowa Shauna has two children. Her interests include golf and the SunBird Church and Outreach Programs. Jay and Deb Griebel Hometown/State: Bettendorf, Iowa Jay and Deb have been married 36 years and have two children. They enjoy golf, swimming, and soaking up the sun.

Word of the Month: Abecedarian

David Zapatka Reader, friend, and fellow pickleball player Janie Blake-Zunino writes, “While reading Dancing with the Muse in Old Age by Priscilla Long, I read the word abecedarian and found it interesting.” Abecedarian abe·ce·dar·i·an noun a person who is just learning; a novice adjective 1. arranged alphabetically 2. rudimentary; elementary Origin and Etymology—abecedary “alphabet book, primer” (going back to…

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook February is about giving and receiving love—and how would you feel to have a new customized kitchen or bath?! A recent national survey found that 94% of people who did a kitchen remodeling project said they enjoyed their home more. Those who did a bathroom remodel gave a joy score of 9.6 (on…

How Is Your Library Trivia?

1. Who founded our nation’s first lending library in 1731? 2. What book is most often stolen from public libraries? 3. What is the first name of Mr. Dewey who is credited with the Dewey Decimal Classification system of filing books? 4. What country is the Library of Alexandria found in? 5. What First Lady…