Dave Riggall Daniel J. Nadarski, LCDR, SC, USNR, was born in San Francisco, California. He graduated from Sonoma Valley High School in June 1985, and commenced his military service in July 1985, at Naval Training Center Orlando, Florida, graduating with Company 180. After attending boot camp in Orlando, Florida, he served as an Aerographers Mate…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Edgar Cayce Study Group
Our Search for God study group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. We explore the readings of Edgar Cayce who is recognized as the greatest psychic of the 20th century and the founder of holistic healing. We strive to be healthier, peaceful, and to be one with the…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Energy Yoga class schedule
Paullene Caraher Experience the benefits of Energy Yoga with Paullene at the SunBird Golf Resort, Navajo Room, third floor, at the following times: Morning classes are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:45-8:45 a.m. Afternoon classes are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. There will be no class on February 1.…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Sun Lakes Sunday Dance Club announces Sweethearts Dance
Deanna and Stu Frost One of the most romantic occasions for the year is just around the corner. So, what have you planned? The Sun Lakes Sunday Dance Club invites couples to our formal Sweethearts Valentine’s Dinner-Dance on Sunday, February 18, 2018, at the Sun Lakes Cottonwood San Tan Ballroom. It’s well worth waiting another…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Dr. Geri Hall to speak at annual P.E.O. Coffee set for February 14
Linda Reber * What is the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia? * How can someone be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s if there is no definitive test? * At what point in the illness do people become violent? * Why does the person with dementia hallucinate? * What changes in diet and exercise will prevent dementia? *…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Healthy with essential oils
Paullene Caraher The next oil sharing will be on February 7, the first Wednesday, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. We will be making a blend for digestion problems. As we age, we find we cannot easily digest certain foods. Sometimes the food is too rich, too coarse or maybe we cannot chew as well as we did…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
American/German Club news
Frank Nechvatal Our January meeting celebrated Fasching, or as some may say, Gardi Gra. The party again had its Fasching King and Queen with their court, and we dined on great treats. Thanks to our President Delores Kline, it proved to be an outstanding event. This is an election year, and the nominating committee will…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
SunBird Lions Club Bingo winners

Marilyn Hespel If you are someone who would like to meet others from the community or just have a fun time playing Bingo, you might want to check into the Chandler SunBird Lions Club “Bingo Nights” on the first and third Friday of each month. We play 15 individual Bingo games during the evening, with…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Korean War/Korea Service Veterans to meet February 27
Stacy Sweet The R Countryman Chapter of the Korean War/Korea Service Veterans will meet on Tuesday, February 27th, in the Friendship Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at 10:00 a.m. KWVA is proud to welcome Roger Pollard, Co-Chair of the AZ Wall Project and Board Member of Operation Welcome Home, and his wife, Betsy…
Clubs & Classes, February 2018
Sew-N-Sews meeting notice

Pat Kovarik Did you attend the January meeting of the Sew-N-Sews? Our speaker at that meeting was from one of our SIGs (Special Interest Groups), the Dolly Dressers. We learned all about what they do, where the dolls come from, how they are prepared and, finally, where they go after their “beauty makeover.” What…