Board of Directors Election Results

The SunBird Elections Committee and volunteers verified and tallied the Board of Directors Election votes. The results are as follows:

Marianna Buescher: 420

Brendan Waddell: 385

Kathleen Hasbach: 323

Michelle LeBlanc: 212

The two candidates receiving the most votes have been elected as board of directors members. We appreciate the Election Committee and volunteers for helping with the process of preparing, mailing, verifying, and tallying the votes. We especially appreciate each of the candidates for stepping forward with interest in serving as leaders in our community. We also want to express our deepest gratitude to Dan Buescher and Dirk Close for their many years of service and dedication to SunBird, as both of their terms as board of directors members have been completed. Let’s remember to thank and express our appreciation to those who volunteer to serve and keep our community great!