Board Notes

Dave Edington, HOA Board Secretary

The SunBird Golf Resort Board of Directors held a regular business meeting on Jan. 27, 2025. The following are notes from this meeting. The next regular business meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 24, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. The annual membership meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 3, at 7 p.m. in the ballroom.

Board members present: Marianna Buescher, Brendan Waddell, Nancy Eckstein, Dave Edington, Chuck Heitbrink, Bob Lama, Bob Morris, and Manager Layne Varney

The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Eckstein at 10 a.m. The minutes of Dec. 16, 2024, regular business and organization meetings were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Chuck Heitbrink. The annual financial audit by the firm Butler Hansen is ongoing and will be presented at the annual meeting scheduled for March 3, 2025. There were 7 home sales in December, for a total of 106 for the year 2024. Once the audit has been presented and reviewed, the final report will be posted on the website.

The Manager’s Report was given by Layne Varney. Billing invoices mailed Dec. 1, due Jan. 1, late Jan. 15. Late notices were sent last week. There is no delinquent account past July. There were 7 home sales in December, for a total of 106 for the year. End-of-year Tax Reports, Music License, Restaurant, Pools, Liquor, Insurance, and AZ Corporation Commission filing were seen to. The Fitness Center was deep-cleaned, and some exercise equipment reupholstered. The Jacuzzi was acid washed by Maintenance this past Wednesday. One of the three pool heaters is scheduled to be replaced. The Garden Club was thanked for cleaning and updating the front entrance and around the clubhouse area. Unit 1A dumpsters have new signs posted concerning their use. All landscape areas have been treated with weed pre-emergent.

Committee Liaison Reports:

ACC Committee: There were 38 permits for December and 45 to date for January. The Finance and HOA/Golf Club Committees did not meet in January.

Rules Committee: They are looking into the sport court rules and retractable dog leashes.

Project Review Committee: The window and railings update is ongoing.

Welcoming and Marketing Committee: The New Homeowner Meet and Greet was a great success, with 60 new members attending.

The following homeowners were appointed to various committees: Dirk Close to ACC, Janelle Cernich and Kathy Hasbach to Rules, Janelle was also appointed as the chair, and Jean Prichard and Lizzie Roads to Welcoming and Marketing.

The annual meeting agenda was reviewed and will be voted on at the Feb. 24 board of directors business meeting agenda.

There was a discussion of allowing long-term renters to serve on board committees. The various committees are asked for their recommendations. This item will be placed on the February agenda for a vote.

The Klatt lawsuit update was given by Nancy Eckstein. SunBird filed a motion to the court to dismiss the claim on Jan. 6. The plaintiff has until Feb. 10 to respond.

Layne Varney reviewed the Homeowner Comment Sheet.

Comments were made by homeowners and directors.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.