Attention Homeowners

ACC Committee

This spring and summer there have been many upkeep projects and house painting on a number of properties in SunBird. After completion of painting your home, you must make sure your house numbers are clearly visible from the street or the frontage of the property. The importance of house numbers is to aid emergency vehicles in finding your home in the event of a medical emergency or home fire.

Here are some tips from the City of Chandler for the display of house numbers:

1. Placement: Attached on the front of the building or above the front entrance

2. Contrast: Numbers should contrast with their background (dark numbers on a lighter colored house).

3. Size: Numbers should be at least four inches tall with a stroke width of at least one-half inch.

4. Format: Numbers are to be written in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.).

Please do not neglect your house number display for your own safety.