Bonnie Marcus, Community Administrator
I would like to remind you that all exterior modifications or changes to your home must have an ACC Permit and must be reviewed and approved by the ACC Committee before any work begins.
This would include painting, air conditioners, concrete, patios, driveways, walkways, garbage enclosures, sunscreens, awnings, ramadas, room additions, sheds, flagpoles, fences, golf ball screens, irrigations systems, planting landscape, lawn art, window grills, rain gutters, roofs, security doors and shutters, sky lights, solar panels, stone façade storage containers and walls. If you are unsure if you need a permit, please call the HOA Office and ask for Bonnie. If work is done without a permit, you may be fined.
Please include with your permit samples of the materials you are using or a colored photo. Paint choices, drawings, dimensions and in some cases, plot plans, are in the office if you need a copy.
Applications will be approved/disapproved and returned to the homeowner within two weeks of submission. The ACC Committee meets twice a month in the winter and once a month in the summer. Most permits have a much shorter timeframe for approval if you have all the documentation that is required. This application must be displayed in a window facing the street while the work is being done. All AVV Guidelines can be found on our website at under the documents tab at the bottom of the page. You may also pick up a copy at the HOA Office.
All structural changes require a City of Chandler permit. Contact the City of Chandler Building Department for more information.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call Bonnie in the HOA Office. Thank you in advance.