See the Future Before You Cast Your Vote

Democratic candidates for LD13 House Representative Nicholas Gonzales and Brandy Reese at the SLDC meeting (photo by Roxy Banta)

Dwight Flatt

Another election year is rapidly coming to a close. Your early ballot arrived in the mail, but you’d love one last chance to meet some of the candidates before voting. Well, that opportunity will present itself to members of the Sun Lakes Democratic Club (SLDC) at the club’s Monday, Oct. 14, meeting at Sun Lakes Country Club.

Adding his name to the long list of candidates who have appeared at SLDC meetings, which began nearly a year ago, will be Joel Navarro, Democratic candidate for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. Navarro, a former Tempe City Council member, has served as a firefighter/paramedic with the Phoenix Fire Department since 1995 and is presently Deputy Chief, overseeing Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport Fire District and its Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) program.

Also seeking to serve the people of Maricopa County is Tim Stringham, Democratic candidate for Maricopa County Recorder. Stringham, a native Arizonan and University of Arizona graduate, has spent most of his adult life serving in the armed forces, first in the U.S. Army, including a 2012 tour of Afghanistan, then in the U.S. Navy as an attorney in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps.

Rounding out county candidates at the meeting will be Tamika Wooten, Democratic candidate for Maricopa County Attorney. Wooten, a practicing attorney, graduated from UCLA, studied law at the University of Arizona, and has 34 years’ experience as a prosecutor, defense attorney, and judge.

Those vying for state offices sharing their views at the meeting will include Sharon Winters, Democratic candidate, AZ Senate, LD13. Winters, a former small business owner and published author, has a BS in education from Illinois State, an MA in humanities from the University of Texas, and has taught in several public schools and Brookhaven College.

House candidates in LD13 will include Democrats Brandy Reese and Nicholas Gonzales. Reese, a Chandler resident and graduate of Oklahoma University, worked as a criminalist for the Oklahoma State Police where she analyzed physical evidence from crime scenes in the laboratory. Gonzales, a graduate of Chandler High and ASU, grew up in Chandler and is now an urban planner and business owner in Chandler.

SLDC is made up of like-minded individuals, part of over 2,500 registered Democrats throughout the Sun Lakes area promoting an Arizona that works for everyone. We invite you to join us at 6:30 p.m. for a social hour, with the meeting starting at 7 p.m. on Oct. 14 in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club located at 25601 E. Sun Lakes Blvd N, Sun Lakes.

We support Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank. Donations can be dropped off at the meeting or made online at You can receive a receipt for the dollar-for-dollar tax-deductible donation.

If you have any questions, call Roxy Banta at 480-899–5696 or email [email protected].