SunBird Lions Club President Chuck Heitbrink (left) and PDG Fred Garmeson (right) present Lions Ray Clark, Gordon Olson, and Jana Haeffner the award for the outstanding contribution they have made to the SunBird Lions Club. Congratulations to all! We look forward to many more days of helping out the community.
Together We Serve
Arlene Block

Presenter Lion Fred Garmeson, Lions Arlene Block, Jan Engdahl, Jana Haeffner, and Paula Warhoover and President of SunBird Lions Club Chuck Heitbrink; not pictured: Lion Eileen Sazama
SunBird Lions Appreciation Award for 2023-24

Pictured are PDG Lion Fred Garmeson, SunBird Lions Club President Chuck Heitbrink, Lions Irene Zeppelin and Bill Koenig, and past International President Joe Preston.
SunBird Lions Club Melvin Jones Award
Arlene Block
Congratulations to Lions Irene Zeppelin and Bill Koenig on receiving the prestigious Melvin Jones Award for your outstanding contributions to the SunBird Lions Club for 2023-24. Your helping others has made all Lions proud.
Springfield Golf Resort’s First Annual Car Show Sponsored by SunBird Lions Club
Arlene Block
On April 6 the first Car Show for Springfield Golf Resort was held. SunBird Lions Club sponsored this event, with 46 cars being shown and a great attendance. Springfield restaurant provided hot dogs, chips, and a drink for a nominal fee. Music was provided by the band Good Ol’ Rock ‘n’ Roll. A raffle was held, which was also sponsored by the SunBird Lions Club.
Look for this event to be an annual event, and we will keep you posted as to the date in 2025.

Past International President Joe Preston
SunBird Lions Club 29th Awards and Installation Dinner
Arlene Block
Past International President Joe Preston spoke encouraging words and introduced newly installed officers for the SunBird Lions Club for 2024-25 at the Installation Dinner, which was held on April 8 at the SunBird Golf Resort. A spectacular meal was prepared and presented by the SunBird Horizon Room.
You, too, can join us at our next dinner by becoming a SunBird Lion. See any Lion or come to one of our meetings, which are held on the third Tuesday of each month, to see how we serve our community and the fun things we do.

Lion Colleen Norgard
Swinging in the Awards and Installation Dinner
Arlene Block
Who could do it better than our Lion Colleen Norgard? It’s just one of the many talents that Lion Colleen has!
Lion Colleen is always willing to help our community, and she welcomes you to come and see the opportunity there is to be a SunBird Lion. We hope you will get in the swing, too, and join us as a SunBird Lion.
Call Lion Gordon Olson at 612-803-5215 or Irene Zeppelin at 651-206-8932 for more information.
SunBird Lions Club Bingo Winners
Arlene Block
Our Bingo winners were Linda Brandon, Darrell Kimball (doubled his money), Ken Seith (won two games), Joyce Harris, Paula Curtis (won two games), Floy Feltman, Kathy Wolberson (won three games), Loren Correll, Bunny Simpson, Jackie Bard, Liesa Firebaugh, Karen Lilleboe, Patsy Strunk, Larry Hinshaw, and Mona Rice who split the big win with Jackie Bard who also won a previous game.
SunBird Lions Club cannot say thank you enough for your support. We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday, Nov. 1, when our games will resume.
Have a safe and healthy summer, and see you all soon. We will keep doing what we do best, and that is raising funds to help those in need.
SunBird Lions Club Bingo
Arlene Block
Congratulations to our lucky SunBird Lions Club Bingo winners on March 15: Linda Brandon, Mildred Kiska, Lucy Tanner, Kaitlyn Wilka, Don Stenberg, Irene Zeppelin, Sally Ann Cruz (won two games), Alex Slae, G. Stockman, Bunny Simpson, Wendy Hammond, Annette Moritz, Nina Rizzo-Sidney, Camden Wilke, and our big winner Barbara Scott. Mildred Kiska was our lucky lady with a double win. She was able to double her money within a certain number of calls by our caller Verne Green.
Thank you all for your support, and please tell your friends. The starting date will be Nov. 1, and Bingo is open to the public. It is held in the SunBird ballroom on the first and third Fridays, November through April. We begin selling packets at 6 p.m., and games begin at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you then!
Bingo Takes a Summer Break
Arlene Block
The time has come for the summer break for SunBird Lions Club Bingo. We are so grateful for your support and can’t wait to see you back on Nov. 1 when we will begin again.
In the meantime, we will have various things going on, so be sure to read your papers to stay informed. We are always collecting aluminum pop/soda cans, eyeglasses (both regular and sunglasses), hearing aids, and cell phones. Aluminum cans can be placed in SunBird Lions receptacles around the SunBird facility. We are also collecting food for our food pantry. But remember, no open or outdated non-perishable products. Paper and pet food are also welcome. You can leave items in the SunBird Poster Room or office, or if pick-up is needed, call Lion Arlene Block at 602-618-5861.
Medical equipment is available for donation or for your use by contacting Lion Paula Warhoover at 618-806-2464.
Interested in a flag for yourself or as a gift, which is put up on your property in your designated area for all federal holidays? Please call Lion Carol Zittel at 480-883-0958. Interested in becoming a SunBird Lion or want more information? Please contact Lions Gordon Olson at 612-803-5215 or Irene Zeppelin at 651-206-8932. Want to make a donation? Please feel free to leave it in the SunBird office or call Lion Fred Garmeson at 480-818-3603.
It has been great having you join us, and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Perfect Attendance for 2023/2024
Arlene Block
The following Lions Club members received an award for perfect attendance for 2023 and 2024: Rob Arnold, Arlene Block, Joan Bruening, Ray Clark, Ellyn Davis, Ethel Donoghue, Jan Endahl, Fred Garmeson, Verne Green, Jana Haeffner, Sonja Haeffner, Chuck Heitbrink, Marilyn Hespel, Marilyn Klooster, Bill Koenig, JoAnn Mottet, Colleen Norgard, Ron Norgard, Gordon Olson, Eileen Sazama, Paula Warhoover, Beverly Wilson, Margaret Wiseman, Irene Zeppelin, and Carol Zittel.
Great job by our SunBird Lions Club members. Wear your pins proudly.
Raffle Ticket Sales
Arlene Block
Vern Green, vice president of SunBird Lions Club, sold raffle tickets at the Springfield Car Show on April 6. Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraiser.