SunBird Lions Bingo – February 26
Arlene Block
The lucky Bingo winners for the SunBird Lions Club on Feb. 16 were Sandra Latrenier, Barbarba Wolensky, Kathleen Kwiat (won three games), Carol Mudryk, Linda Brandon, Kathy Wolberson, Kathy Sanomann, Linda Allie, Shirley Stein, Steve Dykema, Walter Potthoff, Theresa Dashen, Anastashia Schonauer, Bill Davis, Janet Sears, and James Conkright (split the big pot).
Thank you to all who support the SunBird Lions Club.
Bingo will continue through April and is open to the public. Games begin at 6:30 p.m., and you can purchase your cards at 5:30 p.m. Snacks and beverages are available for a nominal fee.
SunBird Lions Club Bingo Winners on March 1
Arlene Block
SunBird Lions Club Bingo winners on March 1 were Jan Seith, Mary Jo Daniel, Fay Sampson (won two games), Pam Morales, Paula Warhoover, Pam VanLaningham, Lucy Tanner, Don Stenberg, Curt Lunsford, Sherry Williams, Leanne Danylko, Margaret Wiseman, Shannon Danylko, Lori Thomas, Mary Boggs, and Maura Mosley (our Grand Prize winner). Congratulations to the double your money winner.
Thank you to all who support the SunBird Lions Club. You are helping those in need in our Chandler community.
SunBird Lions and Friends Enjoy Basha High School Band
Arlene Block
Basha High School Band brought to SunBird Golf Resort, sponsored by the SunBird Lions, the most talented and amazing students. The Basha High School Band performed before a delighted crowd who sat in awe listening to the many songs and various selections. What a delightful evening!
Thank you to all who supported the SunBird Lions and the Basha High School Band. The concert was free, with donations accepted and presented to the band to help with their expenses.
Come Join the Lions at the Springfield Car Show

Lions Gordon Olson, Irene Zeppelin, Fred Garmeson, and Carol Zittel
SunBird Lions Gordon Olson, Irene Zeppelin, Fred Garmeson, and Carol Zittel sold 50/50 raffle tickets at the Ken Bergmann Memorial Car Show on March 6. The lucky winner was Floy Feltmann.
The Springfield Car show will be held on April 6 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. It will be the first of its kind in the Springfield community, and the SunBird Lions will sponsor a 50/50 raffle there.
Hope to see you there. You may be the SunBird Lions’ lucky 50/50 raffle winner.
SunBird Lions in Action: Save the Date of April 10
Arlene Block
The SunBird Lions Club will be sponsoring an event on April 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the SunBird Golf Resort patio to help the Chandler community.
Assorted items will be collected, so let’s start your spring cleaning and, at the same time, help those in need. The items that will be collected are as follows:
• Aluminum cans, such as soda pop and beer cans
• Your no-longer-needed eyeglasses, which can also include sunglasses
• Hearing aids, cellphones, and medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, and canes that are gently used
• Food items that are in date and unopened, along with paper products and pet foods
If you have large items or a large quantity of items, please call Joan Bruening at 480-636-0370 or Jana Haeffner at 815-761-7243 to arrange for pick-up.
Come enjoy lunch on the patio for a nominal fee. The SunBird Horizon Room will be preparing hot dogs, hamburgers, and beverages for this event.
This event supports International Lions Week.
Lions support hunger, diabetes, vision, and humanitarian work.
There will be a raffle for people who drop off items. You will receive a ticket, which may be the lucky winner. The raffle will be held at the end of the event.
Thank you for supporting the SunBird Lions and those who are less fortunate.
Welcome New Lion Sharon Erickson

Right to left: Lions sponsor Marilyn Klooster, new Lion Sharon Erickson, and Lions installation person Ray Clark
Arlene Block
Welcome, Lion Sharon Erickson, to SunBird Lions Club.
If you are interested in becoming a Lion, please contact Lion Irene Zeppelin at 651-206-8932 or Lion Gordon Olson at 612-803-5215. Serving as a Lion and helping your community is so rewarding.
New SunBird Lions Club Officers
Arlene Block
The new slate of officers for the remainder of 2024-25 for the SunBird Lions Club will be as follows:
President: Lion Chuck Heitbrink
Vice President: Lion Verne Green
Recording Secretary: Lion Fred Garmeson
Recording Secretary: Lion Jan Engdahl
Treasurer: Lion Jana Haffner
One-Year Directors: Lions Marilyn Klooster and Beverly Wilson
Two-Year Directors: Lions Coleen and Ron Norgard
Tail Twister: Lion Carol Zittel
Lion Tamer: Lion Rob Arnold
Membership Chairpersons: Lions Gordon Olson and Irene Zepplin
Marketing: Lion Arlene Block
LCIF Coordinator: Lion Fred Garmeson
Congratulations and thank you for serving the SunBird Lions Club where we all work to help those in need and offer assistance with the hearing impaired, diabetes, environment, and hunger—just a part of what we do.
We welcome new members who have a love for people and want to help meet their needs. Please contact any of the above Lions and share the experiences.
Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Lakeview Room at SunBird Golf Resort.