January Bingo Winners
Arlene Block
With a filled room, SunBird Lions Club presented a fun night of Bingo on Jan. 19. Kim Price was one lucky winner with a win and then a double her money win. Other winners were Marilyn Klooster, Lisa Firebaugh, Eileen Martinez, Kathy Wolbersen (won two games), Pam VanLaningham, Jan Seith, Lars Sandberg, Don Stenberg, Elizabeth Flatt, Abigail Donczyk, and Taylor Price. Kathleen Kwiat won two games, one being the Cover-All Grand Prize.
Thank you to everyone who helps support the SunBird Lions Club Bingo nights, which are held on the first and third Friday of each month through April.
Our snack bar has many delicious snacks, coffee, and water and is always a sell-out, thanks to all who purchase.
February Bingo Winners
Arlene Block
Bingo winners on Feb. 2 were Leon Thomas, Jessica Smith, Aaron Acuna, Karen Stenberg, Peter Kwiat, Kim Price, Karen Lilleboe, Jim Bourdon, Debbie Porpiglia, Christine Clark, Carol Mudry, Louise Axten, Patsy Strunk, Theresa Dasher, Michael Boggs (won two games), April Joy, Liesa Firebaugh, Trish Carrel, Felicity Dennis, Maura Mosley, Tracie Malsom, Kathleen Kwiat, Lars Sandberg, Patsy Strunk, and Marilyn Hespel. We had four winners who split the big pot.
Bingo is held the first and third Friday of each month until April in the SunBird ballroom. The public is invited. No one under 18 can play.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m., ticket sales begin at 6 p.m., and games begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. Snacks are for sale, along with coffee and water.
The SunBird Lions Club thanks all for their participation and the volunteers who make it possible.

The SunBird Lions Club wished Ellyn Davis a fond farewell as she left for the Philippines for 18 months. Pictured are Lions Verne Green, Ray Clark, Gordon Olson, Fred Garmeson, Bill Koenig, Chuck Heitbrink, Ellyn Davis, Marilyn Klooster, Eileen Sazama, Irene Zeppelin, Jo Mottet, Arlene Block, Carol Zittel, Sonja Haeffner, and Joan Bruening.
Lion Ellyn Davis Volunteers in the Philippines
Arlene Block
Lion Ellyn Davis volunteered to serve as a health adviser to those in need of medical care in the Philippines. We wish Lion Ellyn the very best and look forward to her return.
Lion Ellyn has been the person in charge of the SunBird Lions Bingo snack table and is always willing to help with many other projects. Lion Joan Bruening will take over the duties. Thank you, Joan, for always helping out as well.
Children’s Cancer Network Lions Open House
Arlene Block
Lions Paula Warhoover, Arlene Block, and Joan Bruening from SunBird Lions Club recently attended an Open House for Children’s Cancer Network. Arizona Lions will be executing the Childhood Cancer Project Hope.
Childhood Cancer Day was Feb. 15. The project funds will assist families’ health and wellness and patient, family, and community education, along with support. Cancer affects every member of the family. We want each family member to know they are not alone in their battle.
All Lions in Arizona are working together by Changing The World Together. This is an ongoing project, and thanks to Lions Club International Foundation for awarding the grant to serve and support this global cause and our State of Arizona.
Thank you for supporting the SunBird Lions fundraisers so we can help those in need.

Scott Dunlap (left) and Wes Ringel (right) from AZ Dueling Pianos entertained to a full capacity crowd on Jan. 27 in the SunBird ballroom.
Dueling Pianos Sponsored by SunBird Lions Club
Arlene Block
The SunBird Lions Club is so grateful to all who supported this outstanding event. The interaction and laughter made for a fun evening.

Lions Luvan Tram and Carol Zittel
SunBird Lions in Action
Arlene Block
Are you looking to give back to your community and meet great team players? SunBird Lions Club is the perfect organization for all of it.
Both Luvan Tram and Carol Zittel have been members of the Lions Club for more than 20 years. They want to share the many opportunities of working on the flag program, helping with clothing drives for children and adults, food drives to help the local food pantry, along with Bingo, entertainment programs, and golf fundraising programs for Children with Cancer. These are just a few of the programs of the SunBird Lions Club.
Please contact Irene Zeppelin at 651-206-8932 or Gordon Olson at 612-803-5215 for membership, or come join a meeting on the third Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. in the SunBird Lakeview Room.
Food Drive
Arlene Block
The SunBird Lions Club’s ongoing food drive partners with AZCEND Food Pantry of Chandler. For everyone’s convenience, there is a marked SunBird Lions Club container in the Poster Room in the SunBird clubhouse. Please help those in need with non-perishable, unopened, and non-expired foods. Paper products and pet foods are also accepted.
If you are leaving for the warmer months, selling your home, know of someone who has extra products, or are downsizing, please consider those who are less fortunate.
If pick-up is needed, please contact Lions Robert Arnold at 480-408-5018 or Gordon Olson at 612-803-5215.
Thank you for helping with this project.
Medical Equipment
Arlene Block
SunBird Lions Club Medical Equipment Director, Lion Paula Warhoover, has had a very busy schedule keeping up with the demand for wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, and shower chairs. Lion Paula is available to assist you by calling her at 618-806-2464. Delivery is available if needed.
If you can donate wheelchairs and/or other items to the SunBird Lions Club to help others in need, please contact Lion Paula, and she can make arrangements for pick-up or to meet for your delivery.