Lions Club Members at Hope Women’s Center
Pamela Klein
Pictured are Sun Lakes Lions Club members Candy Jones, Ron Gillet, J.L. Scott, Suzanne Campbell, and Pam Klein, with donations collected for the Hope Women’s Center in Coolidge, Arizona. For those interested in being a part of the Sun Lakes Lions Club, please call President Larry Palmer at
SunBird Lions Club Welcomes New Members

Lions Jana Haeffner, Paula Warhoover, Arlene Block, and Ellyn Davis
Arlene Block
You, too, can join the SunBird Lions Club and share the friendship of teaming together to help others, raise funds, and have fun with social events, just as Lions Jana Haeffner, Paula Warhoover, Arlene Block, and Ellyn Davis have.
Meetings take place the third Tuesday of the month in the Lakeview Room at 4:30 p.m.
You can contact membership co-chairman Lion Irene Zeppelin at
651-206-8932, or Lion Gordon Olson at 612-803-5215 for more information, or speak to any Lion.
Lions Welcomes New Member

Lions Jana Haeffner, Paula Warhoover, Arlene Block, and Ellyn Davis
Welcome to new member Michael Block, as he, too, wants to serve his community by volunteering in many different ways—at food banks, helping those in need, SunBird Lions Club fundraisers, such as Bingo on the first and third Friday of the month (November through April) in the SunBird ballroom at 6 p.m., our flag program, and our medical programs. There are numerous projects where you, too, can be involved.
SunBird Lions meet the third Tuesday of the month at 4:30 p.m. in the Lakeview Room in SunBird. Hope to see you there!
Member Key Award
Pictured are Lion Chuck Heitbrink (president of SunBird Lions) and Lion Fred Garmeson (reporting secretary) presenting 2 Member Key Award to Lion Arlene Block. This award was presented for successfully opening the door of Lionism to two individuals.
21S Kickoff
On Aug. 5 the SunBird Lions Club hosted the 21S Kickoff. One hundred four Lions members from all over Arizona were in attendance.
The Kickoff brings together Lions for installation of the cabinet and reports from many committee members who all work for the same purpose of helping others, and how we reach those goals.
A delicious lunch was served by the SunBird Horizon Room.
A special thank you to Lion Fred Garmeson and his wife Joan who made this such a successful event.
SunBird Lions in Action
SunBird Lions Club is extremely grateful for the hard work of each Lion and the contributions from everyone to achieve these accomplishments. A listing of all that SunBird Lions has donated is as follows:
Arizona Cancer Foundation for Children $1,000
Arizona Center for the Blind $2,000
Basha High School Scholarship $1,000
C Kirby Smithe Youth Camp $500
Foundation for Blind Children Arizona $1,000
Hartford Sylvia Encinas Elementary School $500
Each child was also given their very own reading book, and each book was inscribed with a SunBird Lions emblem.
A clothing drive for the children to help them feel special and have a new outfit for Back to School was another project done by SunBird Lions members.
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership $800
Leader Dogs for the Blind $1,000
Lions Camp Tatiyee $3,000
Lions Club International Fund $4,000
Lions Club International Fund Vision & Hearing Program $5,000
Lions Club International Fund, Childhood Cancer $2,500
Lions Foundation of Arizona $1,500
Melvin Jones Memorial $200
Soldier’s Best Friend 1,000
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital $1,000
Sun Sounds of Arizona $500
SunBird Golf Resort HOA $3,000
Over $10,000 was also donated for the updating of the Waterview gate in SunBird for emergency vehicle use. Medics can now enter quickly, and people can get their medical care faster.
SunBird Lions is grateful to every Lions Club member and for contributions from supporters.
Please continue to support our Bingo, which will be the first and third Friday of the month from November through April. We have a new Bingo caller, Lion Vern Green, and new games with double your money as well.
Please join us for our other programs, as well, which will be coming up soon. Dates will be forthcoming:
Dueling Pianos
Barro’s Pizza Fundraiser
Pancake Breakfast
Aluminum can collection, with containers available throughout SunBird. Please, no other bottles or cans are acceptable.
Our Medical Supply program. You may need an item or donate a wheelchair, walker, etc., gently used eyeglasses, hearing aids, and cell phones.
Our food pantry for those in need. We work with AZCEND of Chandler.
You can drop off items at the SunBird office or place them in the containers marked “SunBird Lions” in the Poster Room across from the library.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, please place it in an envelope marked “SunBird Lions” and leave it in the SunBird office or give it to any Lion.