
One of the premiere social events of SunBird, the annual Community Auction, was held Nov. 19 on our patio. Friends bidding against friends created much laughter and joking amongst the large crowd. Most importantly, a good time was had by all who attended.

Auction organizers John and Marsha Brockish were assisted by auctioneers Dave White and Mike Goldade; scrutineers Gary Whistler and Don Hunt; accountants Cindy Vig, Karen Gilmore, Patrick Leach, and Gayle Chang; and advertisers Glen Ketchum and Wes Akerman. Their combined efforts raised $7,300 for capital improvements to the golf course.

The auction items were generously donated by local businesses. Residents supplied goods and services, including imported Canadian Cheezies and local home baking. Most importantly, the community members who purchased the items for sale made this auction a real success.

At present, the HOA is restricted by our CC&Rs from offering any assistance to the golf course. But community support helps to keep the course in pristine condition for the enjoyment of all who live here.

As golfers, we thank our SunBird family for their support of our finest asset.