Tennis is great for fitness and your health


Charlotte Wiard

If you go online, you will find wonderful information on how to stay fit. We thought if you are an energetic tennis buff or thinking of playing tennis, you would find this article informative. It came from real and explains some key exercise advantages from playing tennis.

• Tennis improves aerobic fitness, with more oxygen circulated around the body to better muscular endurance.

• Tennis burns off calories with energy supplied to the muscles and not forming fat.

• Tennis boosts flexibility and sprint speed, due to the fast-paced nature of the game.

• Tennis improves hand-eye coordination with concentration required for serving.

• Tennis develops the strength and power of muscles, notably leg and arm muscles.

• Tennis furthers concentration and mental strength, with matches often lasting for hours.

• Tennis boosts a player’s cardiovascular fitness (the heart and lung organs) allowing more oxygen to be pumped around the body and help energize muscles.

Tennis is a great healthy sport, and if you would like to learn how to play, contact the SunBird President, Charlotte Wiard, at [email protected]. We have various levels of play and can find a group for you. Most of these programs start back up in the fall.

Buzz from the tennis courts…

Southeast Valley Tennis League came to an end. Trilogy Alley Cats took first place this season. SunBird Sabrs came in third, SunBird Crush in seventh. (However, it should be noted some teams did not get to finish all rounds.) A final league party was held at Oakwood at the end of March.

SunBird completed a tournament against Sun Lakes/Springfield on February 10. SunBird prevailed, winning 40 to 16 games. On February 17, SunBird/Springfield played Trilogy and tied 27 to 27. The Tennis Club had an end of the season picnic in March.

Valley of the Sun Ladies League coming to an end, the Sunchix in fourth place, the Volley Girls in seventh.

The SunBird Tennis Club met with the Project Review Committee on a redesign of the tennis courts. More to come later. Courts 1 and 2 are going to be redone in 2019.