SunBird film series

Sara Schmidt

On February 8, our film, Agenda, Grinding America Down, was attended by a number of very interested and engaged residents. We learned about changes in the culture of America over the last several decades, changes we have all noticed but really haven’t understood why it has been happening. We learned about people, organizations and government officials who have played a part in these changes.

On February 29 we will view Agenda Two, Masters of Deceit, and hope to continue this very informative study. The film is 87 minutes long and will feature such notables as Trevor Loudon, Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, Star Parker, Dr. Hormoz Shariat and many others. The film delves into the overwhelming myriad of frightening issues that we see around us, e.g. radical Islam, climate change, unimaginable debt, immigration and many more.

Please join us on Monday, Feb. 29 for an enlightening evening.

In March we will show films on the 14th and the 28th, subject to be determined. Watch for our flyers in the Clubhouse in the rotating file and on the game room bulletin board.

For information call Sara at 847-204-5264 or e-mail at  [email protected].