Notes From the Board of Directors Meeting

Chuck Heitbrink, HOA Board Secretary

The Board of Directors had an Agenda Planning and Business Meeting on March 22. The following are notes from this meeting:

Members present: Steve Seel, Lisa Onyx, Jim Anderson, Dan Buescher, Dirk Close, Chuck Heitbrink, and Manager Layne Varney. Linda DiPalma was excused.

The meeting was called to order by President Steve Seel at 10 a.m.

Review of the Minutes of the Feb. 22, 2021, Business Meeting. A correction was proposed by Jim Anderson. A motion by Dirk that the minutes be approved with corrections.

The Treasurer’s Report was given by Jim Anderson. The financial report was preliminary pending the finalization of January. The Working Capital ratio is currently approximately 2.0. The Contingency Fund is currently 190k. The report was accepted.

The Manager’s Report was presented by Layne.

COVID Report—SunBird begins to “loosen” some of the restrictions. Pool furniture has returned, and additional seating is now available in the Horizon Room. SunBird has held three COVID 19 vaccination clinics, and over 300 residents and staff have been vaccinated. He thanked the many volunteers who assisted. Administration. The current delinquency rate on dues for lots for the first half of 2021 was .5%. Horizon Room—Seating has been increased with a new Summer Menu and hours of operation and will be in effect in April. Clubhouse—Jacuzzi water heater has been replaced. Someone poured soap or a bubble bath-type product in the jacuzzi, causing an unbalance of water chemicals that required it to be completely drained. A couple of the A/C units that have been malfunctioning at the clubhouse have been repaired. Landscape Common Area—Trimming and cleaning of the perimeter landscape has been completed, and the concrete cart path has been inspected for any potential safety concerns. Activities—The 23rd Annual Rummage Sale was held at Chuck Warren’s home and raised $1,834.45, bringing the 23-year total to $57,495.71. Thank you to Chuck and all the volunteers. St. Patrick’s Day parade had over 30 golf carts participating. The Paper and Document Shredding event was a “Flaming” success. (Some of the shredded paper caught on fire, and the Fire Department was called and put the fire out.)

Patrol—Two vehicles attempted to enter unsuccessfully through the Hunt Highway exit gate. A contractor piggybacked through the Hunt Highway gate and broke the arm. Patrol has a video, and collection for the repairs is in process. CC&R Amendment Status—Currently, approximately 70% of the lot holders have returned their consent form. The second mailed reminder should produce another 10%. Deadline is March 31, and responses will be verified and tallied on April 1.

Committee Liaison Reports

Architectural Control—Dirk reported that 62 permits were issued for the months of January and February. The new home paint colors presented by Behr were not satisfactory. Behr will be returning to the committee meeting this month with new color selections featuring additional grays and blues. Fruit picking continues Tuesday and Friday. The committee is continuing to look for additional members.

Finance Committee—Jim reported that year-end variances in the Horizon Room and janitorial expenses are due to COVID-19. The board was advised that the forgiven PPP loan would be booked as income in 2021. The audit is progressing and currently has no issues.

Welcoming and Marketing—Chuck reported that approximately 40 new homeowners have been sent invitations to the Breakfast/Dinner on March 30. The committee is planning to have a social event for all of the second-generation owners in the fall. At the last board meeting, a comment card was given to the committee to respond to concerns about homeowners who are working and feel that they cannot participate in any events or meetings. The committee is planning on an event in the late spring to determine how many homeowners are in this group.

Rules Committee—Chuck read the report for the committee. The committee will create a PowerPoint presentation which will be presented to the board, of the changes in the Rules and Regulations booklet. Chris Nechvatal read the Annual Report to the Committee. Pat Parcelli was introduced as a potential new member of the committee and will be voted on by the board. The members were thanked for all their work on the Rules booklet.

HOA/Golf Club Committee—Lisa reported for Linda on the committee activities. A joint coupon between the Golf Course and the Horizon Room will be created to promote golf and meals in the Horizon Room. The Golf Course Board is evaluating bringing in a hot dog vendor to sell grab-and-go items on the weekends. The Golf Course staging area for the carts was discussed, and it was agreed to stage the carts in the “U” shaped parking areas until noon, and after that, the carts will be parked in the new parking area. The committee is reviewing the electrical usage and the breaker that is tripping.

Project Review & Planning—Bill Hook recommended to the board replacing existing awnings over the Lakeview Room and the Horizon Room, including the new patio area. The awnings would be fire-rated and blue in color and match the paint scheme of the clubhouse. The cost of the awnings would be approximately $21,722, and the funds will come from the Capital Improvement Funds. A motion was made to approve the project and was approved.

The Rules Committee presented a PowerPoint presentation of the changes in the Rules and Regulations. After the presentation, a motion was made to approve the changes and passed.

Pat Pacelli was approved as a member of the Rules Compliance Committee.

The Board was reminded that the election timeline was approved at the last meeting. The documents are now available on the SunBird website.

Dan Buescher, director at large, made the following statement: “It has been brought to my attention that, publicly, I have been represented as instructing homeowners to NOT vote on the CC&R change. This is absolutely UNTRUE! Our board and I have invested countless hours into the “IF” the HOA should assist the golf course, then “HOW” can we help. The vote to assist was 7-0 in favor of assisting the golf course. I have five houses in SunBird and influence the vote on four other homes. My opinion has not changed. Any party that is unclear on my position can contact me personally after the meeting. If the amendment is passed, you can thank the HOA Board and management for time and money invested into the betterment of this community. If not, it was a fair vote of the homeowners.”

With no further business, President Steve Seel adjourned the meeting at 11:05 a.m.

The next Business Meeting will be on Monday, May 24, at 10 a.m. in the ballroom. At this time, each of these scheduled meetings is planned to be in compliance with the governor’s orders and CDC guidelines. Guidelines for attending: Stay home if sick. Wear a protective face mask. Do not arrive any earlier than 10 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Do not shake hands or make any type of physical contact with others. Adhere to social distancing by staying six feet away from other people. Cough into a tissue and immediately throw away. After the meeting is adjourned, please do not congregate, and disperse immediately. Thank you for helping us all stay safe and healthy!