Manager’s Report

This time of year is the best in SunBird when driving to the Clubhouse each day with all the activities and people at and around the Clubhouse. It’s great to see people using and enjoying all of the services and amenities offered. This past month, I came to the Clubhouse in the evening and sat on the comfortable leather couch in the library area waiting for an event to end. It was quite a different experience sitting there incognito listening to the people walking through and observing all of the multiple activities that were taking place. SunBird is a happening place with all the fun and friendly people.

The 17th annual SunBird Community Day was a huge success even though the day started with a light drizzle of rain and was slightly overcast. The attendance was as big as ever with approximately 800 people passing through. The Ballroom was packed with SunBird organizations, vendors and service companies. Another great day in SunBird.

Veterans Day was started with an exciting airplane flyover by Air Force Veteran Jon Melby in his Pitts bi-plane that circled over SunBird at 11:00 a.m. sharp leaving a trail of smoke in honor of veterans. The service that was held in the Ballroom immediately thereafter hosted by Jodie and BettiSue Perkins was excellent. SunBird has many veterans and families of veterans. Let us always remember them.

The 2016 budget has been approved. The budget process started this past April with SunBird’s department heads meeting with management and the Board of Directors to review services and plans. After listening to the thoughts and ideas and reviewing history, management developed the first draft budget in August. Finance then reviewed it during several meetings thereafter and made some changes of recommendation to the Board for approval. The Board of Directors reviewed and studied the budget during the September and October meetings, approving it at the October business meeting. The annual assessment will be increasing by 3.5 percent or from $850 to $880 payable in two increments of $440 due January 1 and $440 July 1. From the $30 increase, approximately $10 goes to maintenance of the newly increased size of the Clubhouse swimming pool, $10 for inflationary costs and an additional $10 for the reserve savings account. The reserve savings account is funded by two primary sources; 1) $110 from each homeowner’s annual assessment; and 2) $300 from each home sale. The reserve savings account is for the maintenance and replacement of large assets such as roads, building air conditioners, equipment, recreational facilities, etc.

This time of year SunBird is at its peak season with multiple activities and events all around. The Ballroom is scheduled almost every day and in most cases has several main events the same day and night. It’s hard to believe the year 2015 is coming to an end. It has gone so fast and has been a very successful year with many exciting additions and improvements made this year in SunBird! We look forward to another great year in SunBird. Have a safe and happy holiday season.