Is Your Neighborhood Having a Party?

SunBird Welcoming and Marketing Committee

Spring is right around the corner and time to start thinking about setting up your Neighborhood Block Party! Last year, we kicked off a number of successful block parties! Think back if you were invited and you will appreciate how much fun they are to get reacquainted with your neighbors and even meet some of them that you might not ever have had the opportunity to meet before. And if you happened to miss out on a Block Party in 2019, think about leading a neighborhood party or getting together with the neighbors and kicking off a new party with whatever neighborhood grouping you’d like. We realize that block parties can be limiting, so we thought to include the “neighborhood” into the title.

If you don’t know how to get started, swing by the front office where we have a checklist to start from, or if you know of a party that took place this past year, reach out to those who hosted and let’s expand the neighborhood. The more the merrier!