Dr. Marc Drake
Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes
Having been in a pandemic for most of this year, our lives have changed in many ways. And because of this, we may think that Christmas this year will be quite different from previous years; perhaps less enjoyable or meaningful. But will it? It doesn’t have to be. Oh, I realize there may be changes regarding scheduling, traveling, and how we gather with others. But this Christmas can be as meaningful and joyful as it has been in the past.
After all, the true meaning of Christmas is based entirely on that which is unchangeable. For the main point of the biblical story is that the eternal Son of God took on our flesh-and-blood human nature—a supernatural event known as the incarnation. Why did He do this? The Bible gives many reasons, including: Christ’s coming to do His Father’s will, to save sinners, to destroy the devil and his works, to provide eternal life, to receive worship, to bring great joy, to give His life as a ransom for many, to send the Holy Spirit, and to reveal God’s glory—all of which is the eternal and unchangeable truth of the Bible!
All creation declares the glory of God (Psalm 19:1). Yet, nothing glorifies God as much as the incarnation of His Son. And it is this unchanging truth we celebrate. Year after year; Christmas after Christmas. In fact, every day! Because of what Jesus accomplished through His perfect life, atoning death, and bodily resurrection, those who know Him are called in life, justified by faith, declared to be righteous, adopted by the Father, betrothed to the Son, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Consequently, we have a forgiven past, a present standing in grace, and a future of unimaginable wonder and glory! All else may change. These facts never do. And we will celebrate them as much this Christmas as ever before.
Jesus is not just the reason for the season. He is the reason, period. He is our very life and our eternal salvation. Let’s determine that—pandemic or no pandemic—we will fervently celebrate Him.
Yes, many things in life change. But the Person and work of Jesus Christ never change. And that, my friend, is good news.