Welcome New Neighbors

Janet Davis, RN

1902 E. Doral Drive

Hometown/State: Gibraltar, MI

Janet has been married for five years and has two children. Her interests include nursing, knitting and crochet.

Scott and Kathleen Wallin

1670 E. Firestone Court

Hometown/State: Rockford, IL/Lincoln, NE

Scott and Kathleen have been married 38 years and have two children. They enjoy sewing, reading, dancing and gardening.

Drew Tarleton and Mary Ann Williams

1903 E. Colonial Drive

Hometown/State: Oregon City, OR/Vancouver, WA

Drew and Mary Ann have been married 17 years and have three children. Their interests include boating, reading and hiking.

George and Marge Boyer

1836 E. Lindrick

Hometown/State: Harrisonville, MO

George and Marge have been married 58 years and have two children.