Unity: Stand Guard at the Door of Your Mind

Kay Davis

Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought community. We gather together to celebrate Peace, Love, Light, and Healing. We practice affirmative prayer and positive thinking and follow the Five Unity Principles taught by Unity founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. We support each other by living a Spirit-centered life. The church has been closed in July and August but is returning on Sept. 11. We meet in the Arts and Crafts Room at Sun Lakes Country Club at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday. Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin will continue to deliver lessons on YouTube until we open again. Thank you, Jeanne. Your lessons are deeply appreciated by all.

Our Sun Lakes Unity Church has been reading and discussing the book Spiritual Economics, by Eric Butterworth and originally published in 1993. I mention the date because we are being challenged by many of the same issues that were happening 29 years ago. Eric states the economy is little more than a barometer that registers the highs and lows of consciousness!

People talk! They talk about inflation, the deficit, prices at the grocery store. This consciousness goes forth as a beacon of darkness. Now ask yourself this question: Is God still good? Is God still Love? Is God still a generous Source of unlimited potential? As Truth students, it is up to us to stand strong and remain positive. I am reminded of an old song, “Just like a tree planted by the water, I cannot be moved.” We hold to the Truth, release what does not serve us, and go forward to do what is ours to do.

Activities: Church returns on Sept. 11.

Reiki: This group meets on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in Room A-2 at the Cottonwood clubhouse. There is another group of those who are out of town and meet on Zoom at the same time. If you would like to join this group, email Mike Schneider at [email protected] so he can add you to his list and send you a link.

Prayer Partners: This group meets on Wednesday at 10 a.m. on Zoom. To join, email Julia Norton at [email protected] and she will add you to the list and send you a link.

Unity Explores: Only reporting, as this is now past, Betty Toussolino-Gardner made plans for this group to go to the Basha Museum of Western Art and have breakfast at the Oakwood restaurant on Aug. 18. I’m sure they all enjoyed being together.