Unity: Soaring High

Kay Davis

Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought community. We celebrate Peace, Love, Light, Joy, and Healing. We practice affirmative prayer and positive thinking, and we support one another in living a Spirit-centered life. Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin is our spiritual leader, and she presents our lessons on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. in the Arts & Crafts Room of Sun Lakes Country Club. On the second and fourth Sunday, Jeanne and her singing partner Barbara Horton treat us with song. They were the Ya Yas and sang in Unity churches in the Southwest region. We hope you will join us.

We decided to have a service project, and we heard of a Christian church organization called Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) located in Mesa. It was found online, and it was easy to sign up, so we set our date and time, April 19 from 2:30 to 4 p.m., and we waited for our turn to have a new experience. On arriving, we were met on the steps outside the front door and were asked to remove our jewelry, watches, and phones and then asked to put on a hairnet. Now we were really ready for a brand-new experience! We were led to a huge open auditorium where there was an orientation. Ready to begin, we washed our hands and donned plastic gloves and went into a room that had stations all set up to pack manna: soy protein, vitamins, dehydrated veggies, and rice. FMSC feeds 56 children, 20,520 meals worldwide for one year. They showed a video that had the face of a five-year-old child who had been close to starvation a couple years before but was now able to run and play like any healthy five-year-old. He had a big, beautiful smile we will always remember. Unity is a healing church. Myrtle Fillmore participated in her own healing and healed those around her with her indomitable faith. This is a well-run and worthwhile activity to give of our time and effort.


Church meets at 10 a.m. in the Arts & Crafts Room at Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 S. Sun Lakes Blvd.

Reiki: Meets Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in Room A-2 at the Cottonwood clubhouse.

Prayer Partners: Meets Wednesday at 10 a.m. on Zoom. To join, email Julia at [email protected].

Metaphysical Study Group: Meets every other Wednesday at the home of Sheila Taylor. Call her at 480-213-2777 for directions.

Website: unityofsunlakes.org