Jerry Lingen
Overseeding of the golf course is taking place. We will be opening the golf course for play on October 14. At that time, it will be cart-path-only for at least two weeks.
We held the Labor Day tournament in September, and we had 64 players. A good time was had by all. The pre-overseed greens keeper tournament was held on September 23, and because we had to have this column in by September 9 for October, we do not have a report on the tournament.
When we reopen for golf in October, the schedule for golf will be as follows: Tee times and shotgun starts will all begin at 8:00 a.m. Call-in for tee times will be at 7:00 a.m. There will be 8:00 a.m. shotgun starts Monday through Saturday mornings with tee times in the afternoons. Sunday will be tee times all day.
Tournaments are an important part of our yearly schedule. If you represent a group that is planning a tournament for the 2017-2018 season, please visit the staff in the pro shop to make sure we have your tournament on the calendar.
We also want to make sure we have the schedule of all the different groups who are playing golf on a regular basis, so please provide the pro shop with your schedules.
Blocked Booking Policy: As a reminder, the following is our policy for blocked bookings. Blocked bookings allow your group to book regular tee times in advance. Block tee times require a minimum of four tee times for 16 players and a maximum of 64 players. When it goes over 64 players, it is classified as a tournament. A chit or credit fee of $3.00 is charged for each player when 18 holes are scheduled. A fee of $2.00 is charged for each player when nine holes are scheduled.
The pro shop will be closed on September 24 and will reopen on October 14. We will be taking phone calls for tee times from 7:00-8:00 a.m. from Saturday, October 7, through Saturday, October 14.