Sign up now for the Kare Bear annual Golf Tournament!
Rosie VanderVeen
Come join us on Saturday, February 27 for our four person scramble with a 9:00 a.m. shotgun start! Sign up in the Pro Shop now; $40 per person. We are limiting the field to 116 players so that play goes smoothly! We will have three flights with one gross and three net payouts in each division. Sign-in is at 8:00 a.m. on the patio where we will have mulligans and 50/50 raffle tickets for sale. Donuts and coffee will be served at this time. Bloody Marys and other beverages will be available on Hole Nos. 4 and 13 with expert bartenders. Again, we will have a wonderful lunch following the tournament accompanied by scrumptious desserts provided by our Kare Bear ladies.
Support The Community Where You Live!
What do our Kare Bear ladies do? Our Kare Bear volunteers offer to organize memorials for our residents that have passed away, including setting up and decorating tables, preparing and serving desserts and beverages. When our SunBird residents are under the weather, volunteers send them a get well card and take a Kare Bear mug filled with goodies to their homes (but you need to notify us). We also send out sympathy cards when we lose a resident in SunBird. Throughout the year, our members raise funds by organizing the Kare Bear Faire and other events. All of our funds are donated to non-profit organizations in the Chandler area, i.e., St. Vincent de Paul and Matthew’s Crossing Food Banks, SunBird and Chandler Lions Clubs, Toy Drive for Chandler Fire Department and many more non-profit agencies. Last year we donated money to the HOA as well as the over seeding project by our main gate. Last year we donated almost $11,670 to these organizations.
If you would like to be a hole sponsor ($100) please contact Barb Dunbar at 360-490-1587.