Lori Janik
The Field of Hope is a memorial event held by the Exchange Club of Chandler each April to recognize and honor the lives of children lost due to child abuse and neglect the previous year. This memorial event also raises awareness toward our national efforts within the Exchange Club in regards to the prevention of child abuse and neglect efforts. This year, our Chandler Exchange Club will be setting up our annual Field of Hope at the Sun Lakes Country Club (located at 25601 E. Sun Lakes Blvd. N., Chandler AZ 85248). A field of 100 flags representing the 100 deaths of children in Arizona in 2020 due to child abuse and neglect will be raised on the morning of Friday, April 16, followed by a brief ceremony dedicating the field at 9 a.m. that same day. The Field of Hope will remain standing until Friday, April 30 at the Sun Lakes Country Club location, so that those in the Sun Lakes, Chandler, and surrounding communities can drive by and visit and remember the important work we have yet to do to eradicate child abuse and neglect from our communities. For any further information about the Field of Hope, and other Chandler Exchange Club service programs, please contact Lori Janik at 602-541-5441.