Tag: events

Exciting Rotary programs

Chief Sean Duggan

Norm Noble On Tuesday, March 7, Joe Ducey of Channel ABC15 and host of “Let Joe Know” will be the speaker. Joe is a consumer advocate who exposes scams and holds businesses accountable for their contracts and agreements. He concentrates on consumer investigative stories by exposing scams, rip-offs and deals just too good to be…

Documentary film “The Bootlegger” to be viewed March 28

SunBird resident David Riggall brings us the documentary film The Bootlegger at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday, March 28, in the SunBird Golf Resort Clubhouse ballroom, located on Riggs and Championship Drive (between McQueen and Cooper). The Bootlegger is the story of Henry “Kelly” Wagle, a hometown gangster turned folk hero in the town of Colchester, Illinois; A…

Dance the Night Away

Mark your calendar for a fun evening of entertainment and dancing with Bruce and Ginger at Sun Lakes Country Club’s Pro Shop Lounge (Mulligan’s) on Friday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day), and Saturday, March 25 (‘50s-‘60s Sock Hop—wear your favorite ‘50s-‘60s outfit), from 7:00 p.m.-? p.m. Mark your calendar for a fun evening of entertainment…

SunBird Irish Club

Mary Pilon, Publicity February was a short month, and our meeting was also short. I am proud to announce that we have broken all past records for members with a whopping 134 members signed up for this season. The Horizon Room was nearly completely full of Irishmen, enjoying the fun and friendship of our club.…

Social Events

FREE Exercise Class – Walk Away the Pounds Monday-Friday, 8:00-9:00 a.m. in the SunBird Ballroom SunBird Community Church Sunday, 9:00 a.m., non-denominational; everyone welcome! Free On-Site Therapy Provided by Sozo Physical Therapy Every Friday, noon-1:00 p.m. Sozo Physical Therapy will again teach and provide guidance with your discomfort or education surrounding equipment usage. Health coaching…

SunBird Art Show and Sale set for March 18

Art show showcasing work from SunBird artists

Join us for an art show and sale on Saturday, March 18, from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. in the SunBird ballroom. A wide variety of art will be showcased, featuring artists from throughout SunBird. This is a free event. It is an opportunity to meet the artists as you browse a wide array of subjects and…

Annual Spring Art Show

The Sun Lakes Arts and Crafts Association annual Spring Show and Sale will be held on March 25, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the Oakwood Country Club, 24218 S Oakwood Blvd.(north of Riggs Road). Over 50 vendors will be showcasing their unique handmade crafts and artwork. Come early for the best selection…

8th annual Quilt Show and Sale

A few of the beautiful boutique table items for sale at the 8th annual Agave Quilters Guild Quilt Show Saturday, April 1, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Sun Lakes Country Club Navajo room

Agave Quilters Guild will host its 8th annual free quilt show Saturday, April 1, in the Sun Lakes Country Club Navajo Room from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. New this year is a viewer’s choice award, and each attendee will have a chance to vote and receive a free raffle ticket to try their luck…

Back to the Fifties 2017 March 23

Back by popular demand, Jerry Prunty and the Missouri Opry present their latest edition of “Back to the Fifties” on March 23 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the SunBird Ballroom. Tickets are $15 per person. A full cash bar is available. The show features the music of Elvis, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly,…