SunBird Patrol

Chief Dan Russell

It is that time of year when we start seeing solicitation (door hangers) start to appear on doors in the community. If you would find any solicitation material throughout the community, please give the Patrol a call so that we can take care of this in a timely manner. “SunBird is a private community, and solicitation is not allowed. This includes the distribution of flyers, business cards, and any other type of advertising, whether it is door-to-door, placed on motorized vehicles, or given to an individual.”

Let’s all remember that our community does not have sidewalks. Bicycles need to travel in the same direction as traffic, and walkers need to walk against traffic. If you are walking after dark, you should wear bright-colored clothing and carry some kind of light so you can be seen by drivers. This will help with the safety of all of our residents. Let’s all remember that those red octagons at intersections are stop signs, and stop means that your wheels are not turning. For everybody’s safety, let’s all slow down.

If you have a golf cart or car that you are trying to sell, please do not park these vehicles at the clubhouse. We have limited parking at the clubhouse, and with people coming in to play golf and all the activity at the clubhouse, there is just not enough parking. Thank you for helping with this issue.