Dan Russell
Calling all pet lovers: Please, please, let’s pick up after our beloved fur babies. This includes cats as well as dogs. We have seen and have received complaints about residents not picking up after their pets. They can be a wonderful addition to any family. But along with pet ownership comes responsibilities. Courtesy and respect are part of being a good neighbor. Abiding by leash laws and cleaning up your animal’s waste are simple courtesies you should provide for your pet and your neighbors. This will help in keeping our neighborhood safe and disease-free. For a safer place to walk your pets, there are common areas with cart paths. They are located on the east side of Championship from E. Doral all the way back to just south of E. Lindrick.
Did you know that going on someone’s property to pick fruit is considered trespassing? If you do not have permission to pick the fruit from a neighbor’s tree, don’t do it. The volunteers will be starting to pick fruit on Tuesdays, and there will be fruit available at the clubhouse, so don’t be that person stealing fruit.
While parking on the streets, please pay attention to other vehicles parked in the area. You should not park directly across the street from another vehicle, as our streets are narrow and it sometimes makes it impossible for emergency vehicles to get through. Also, there is no overnight parking in SunBird. If you need to park on the street overnight, come to the office and fill out the form for street parking. You can check to see if you meet the requirements for street parking in the Rules and Regulations (Article II, Section 2).
For the safety of the guards and pedestrians at the front gate, let’s slow down before we get to the entrance of SunBird. There are way too many close calls at the front entrance, and we now have had an accident at the gate. It seems that every winter we have at least one accident at the front gate, and that is one too many. All accidents are preventable.
Now that the cooler temperatures have passed, let’s all make a greater effort to slow down around the clubhouse due to more pedestrians walking around the clubhouse and in the neighborhood, not only in our cars but in our golf carts as well. Golf carts should not exceed the 10 mph speed limit set for around the clubhouse. Bicyclists, let’s do our part to be safe riders by stopping at the stop signs. They do apply to anyone using the streets. Walkers, remember to walk facing traffic, and if you are out after dark, please wear bright-colored clothes and carry a flashlight so you are easier to see. Let’s all do our part to make SunBird a safe place to live.
Remember, if you see something, say something!