Mixed Gross Shootout (right to left) Karen Gilmore and Wes Terry 1st place, Jackie Huyghebeart and John German 2nd place and Heather Verbitsky and Gerry Tomlinson 3rd place.
Norm Ott
The month of March saw the SunBird Men’s Golf Club participate in four special events in addition to one regular Thursday tournament. Two of the special events were the finals of the Men’s SunBird Club Championship held on March 5 and the Ladies and Men’s Mixed Net Shootout held on March 6. Jack Cooper won the club championship and the winners of the mixed net shoot out were Bob Schoenwald and Barb Wallace. Complete details of these two events were published in the April paper.
March 9 and 12 saw a Home and Home Tournament with Sunland Village. The first round was played at Sunland Village and the second at SunBird; 20 foursomes teed it up in a two best ball format. Each foursome consisted of two players from each location with the same pairings playing together at each location. The final scores were the total from both locations. The SunBird members of the first, second and third place finishers were Jack Cooper/Laverne Schaffer, John German/Chet Howe and Don Hunt/Ernie Anderson respectively.
The last Shootout of the season, held on March 20, was the Men’s and Ladies Mixed Gross Score Shootout; 10 couples qualified for this alternate shot event. The qualifiers were Bob Gerber/Jean Pritchard, Jim Croghan/Melissa Craig, Dick Tiffany/Joyce Gerber, Gerry Tomlinson/Heather Verbitsky, Ron Jarvis/Valerie Keenan, Don Hunt/Margie Leach, Jim Seaman/Cindy Vig, Dean Huyghebeart/Barb Terry, John German/Jackie Huyghebaert and Wes Terry/Karen Gilmore. All 10 couples teed off on the first hole. The couple with the highest score or the farthest from the pin after a chip off in case of a tie on each hole was eliminated. The two surviving couples played the last hole for the championship. The winners of this event were Wes Terry and Karen Gilmore. Finishing second and third respectively were John German/Jackie Huyghebaert and Gerry Tomlinson/Heather Verbitsky.
The second annual Men’s and Ladies Combined Scramble and Awards Luncheon was held on March 26 on the clubhouse patio. First off was the scramble which consisted of 30 foursomes and five threesomes made up of both men and women. The winner of this event was the team of Connie Franklin, George Richardson and Gary Whistler. Second place went to Gerry Tomlinson, Stan Wolff, Mel Flinkman and Irene Herman and third went to Lee Stepek, Gerry Adams, Janet Farrell and Norma Smith. Following the lunch, annual awards for both the Ladies and Men’s Associations were presented. Major Men’s club awards went to Ray Bierowicz – SunBird Cup and to Jack Cooper – Club Championship.
The regular Thursday tournament was a Gross/Net Two Man Stableford held on March 19. The gross and net winners, by flight were respectively:
Flight 1: Bob Gerber and Ron Morgan; Flight 2: Loren Wallace and Russ Bower; Flight 3: Darryl Washburn and Earl Ferguson.