Lions Club sponsor Joan Bruening, new Lions Club member Lilly Ortiz, and Lions First Vice District Governor John Marceles, guest installation officer
New Lions Club Member
Arlene Block
New Lions Club member Lilly Ortiz was sponsored by Lion Joan Bruening.
Being a SunBird Lion helps support the causes that we strive for: Vision, Youth, Disaster Relief, Environment, Diabetes, Hunger, and Childhood Cancer.
Lions meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in the Lakeview Room at the SunBird Golf Resort. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Save the Date for the Lions Club Soultown Train Show
Arlene Block
Join us on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025, for our upcoming tribute show to benefit the SunBird Lions Club and their fundraisers.
The tribute band Soultown Train plays the songs and honors the artists who made the funky soundtrack of America, grooving to such legends as The O’Jays, Tina Turner, Stevie Wonder, Sly & The Family Stone, and Gladys Knight.
Tickets will be sold in the SunBird lobby Monday through Friday, Jan. 13 through Jan. 24, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
This event is open to the public. Please bring your family and friends.
Lions Club Food Drive
Arlene Block
SunBird Lions Club has been involved in helping the AZCEND Food Pantry, and this year we have a special request to help those in need enjoy the holidays with food on their tables.
We would appreciate your donations of instant potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, canned veggies and fruit, stuffing mix, canned yams, chicken broth, cake/frosting mix, cream of mushroom soup, and ready-to-eat food (microwave, pop-top cans) for the homeless.
You can drop off items in the Poster Room at the SunBird Golf Resort in the Lions container, at Bingo which begins on Nov. 1 and will be on the first and third Friday of each month, at the Garage Sale on Nov. 16, and at the Dec. 17 Holiday Sing-Along, or you can contact Rob Arnold at 480-408-5018.
We are always thankful for your support.
Lions Club Restores Sight
Arlene Block
In April of 2024 the SunBird Lions Club received a request for assistance in getting vision restoration surgery for a woman who was totally blind due to multiple bouts with COVID-19. She was informed that it was possible that surgery on her eyes could restore part of her vision. Unfortunately, she could not afford the surgery. The Lions were called upon to help.
The club contacted the Lions Vision & Hearing Foundation to coordinate the surgery, and $5,000 was donated to cover the cost of the operation.
On June 24, 2024, the surgery was done, and 50% of her vision was restored, with the possibility of the other 50% in the next six months. Paula G., who had the surgery, said, “Fifty percent improvement from nearly zero is a miracle.”
We SunBird Lions are so proud of what we do. With your support, these wonderful things can happen.
Thank you for attending and contributing to our programs such as Bingo, musical shows, the Flag Program, and Oktoberfest, to name just a few.
2024 Community Holiday Sing-Along
Arlene Block
The second Community Holiday Sing-Along is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 7 p.m. in the SunBird ballroom in the SunBird Golf Resort. This is a great opportunity to experience the festivities of the season with your family and friends. This event is open to the public.
Kim and Mike Hanson will be accompanying the singing while Chuck Heitbrink leads us through the words of the songs. Chuck will also have some fun-filled facts to share. This promises to be a delightful evening.
Santa will be on hand, so you can have your picture taken, and there will be hot chocolate and cookies to share.
The holidays are such a special time. The SunBird Lions Club will be there to collect your non-perishable and not-expired food items for the AZCEND Food Pantry. Cash donations will also be welcomed.
Please take the time to relax and enjoy holiday music and the fellowship of friends, neighbors, or a new acquaintance as we celebrate the season with music.
Let’s make the holidays brighter for our friends and neighbors who are being served by AZCEND.

Lions Fred Garmeson, Jana Haeffner, Randy Haeffner, Arlene Block, Mary Shelor, Carol Delk, and Joan Bruening (photo by Paula Warhoover)
SunBird Lions Remembered September 11, 2001
A Patriot Day, a day of remembrance and service, was held on Sept. 11 in the SunBird Golf Resort ballroom.
Patriotic music was played on the piano by Rachel Smith. Lions Club President Chuck Heitbrink led the program. Arlene Cooper sang a special song, “Song of Peace.” Council member Matt Orlando spoke about his personal life and how 9-11 affected all of us. A video was presented by Wendy Armijo, lifestyle director of SunBird.
People were asked to bring canned goods or non-perishable items that could be brought to help AZCEND Food Pantry. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we collected over 322 pounds of food items.
Thank you to all who helped the SunBird Lions and AZCEND Food Pantry.

SunBird Lions Club members working together to plan for the yearly fundraising activities
Lions Club in Action
Arlene Block
Wouldn’t you like to be a SunBird Lion and have the wonderful feeling of helping those in need while having fun at the same time? We welcome new members to our meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m., in the Lakeview Room in the SunBird Golf Resort.
Remember to come support our Bingo nights on the first and third Fridays of the month. Games begin at 6:30 p.m. There are new games and better payouts.
Fly the Flag Program: For $45 a year, Lion Carol Zittel will put a flag on your property, or wherever you choose, for all major holidays. Call Lion Carol Zittel at 480-883-0958, and she and her volunteers will do the rest.
If you are in need of medical supplies such as wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, and canes, please call Lion Randy Haeffner at 815-761-9757.
Save your aluminum cans and deposit them in our containers with the Lions Club emblem. You will find them throughout the SunBird Golf Resort. Large quantities can be given directly to Lion Fred Garmeson.
If you have eyeglasses (sun and regular), hearing aids, or cell phones you would like to donate, please leave them in the SunBird Business office or see any Lion.
If you have extra non-perishable or not-expired foods, paper goods, or pet foods, you can place them in the Lions bin in the Poster Room at SunBird. If large quantities are needed for pick-up, please call Rob Arnold at 480-408-5018.
Thank you for your help.
Holiday Toy Drive
Arlene Block
The SunBird Lions Club is having their annual Holiday Toy Drive to provide the 723 students at Sylvia Encinas Elementary School (Hartford School) a holiday they can enjoy.
Toys, games, water bottles, kits to assemble things, art supplies, Hot Wheels, Pokémon cards, or any gift would be appreciated for these children ages 6 years to 12 years who may not have gifts for the holiday. No toys with batteries, please.
Toys can be dropped off by calling Lion Eileen Sazama at 602-515-1920, or Lion Eileen would be glad to pick them up.
We would appreciate all items to be received by Dec. 12.
Let’s give these children a fun holiday. Thank you!